6-2. That-clauses
Придаточные that-предложения, соответственно начинаются с союза that:
I admire your belief [that you are always right].
The Minister is anxious [that nothing should get into the papers].
That-clause может выполнять следующие функции (из тех, что могут выполнять Noun Phrases)
1. Подлежащее
[That she should forget me so quickly] was rather a shock.
[That the driver could not control his car] was obvious.
(1) В таких случаях часто используется предварительное it, так как предложения, начинающиеся с that-clause звучат очень формально:
It was obvious [(that) the driver could not control his car].
It surprised me [that he was still in bed]. (естественнее, чем ‘That he was still in bed surprised me’.)
(2) Так как that-clauses не очень естественно выглядят в качестве отдельного подлежащего, часто они также вводятся с помощью оборота the fact.
The fact that she was foreign made it difficult for her to get a job. (не 'That she was foreign made it difficult ...' )
The fact that Simon had disappeared didn't seem to worry anybody. (более естественно, чем 'That Simon had disappeared didn't ...' )
2. Дополнение
В этом случае в достаточно коротких предложениях that может быть опущено.
We knew [that the next day would be difficult].
I regretted [that I was not going to be at the meeting].
Everyone could see [he was frightened].
В достаточно длительных предложениях и особенно когда that-clause отделен от глагола, that обычно опускать нельзя:
Everyone could see, I believe, [that he was terrified].
Everyone could see what was happening and [that poor George was really scared].
Если that-clause в качестве дополнения стоит в начале предложения, то союз that также обязателен:
That George was really afraid, I can't believe.
■ Часто употребляется предваряющее it:
She made it clear [that she was not interested].
3. Комлемент
The main thing is [that you're happy].
The truth is [(that) he was very shy].
Здесь также употребление that необязательно в коротких предложениях и обычно обязательно в достаточно длинных.
4. Приложение
We must face the fact that we have spent all our money.
The hard truth, that they had spent all their money, was a great shock to her.
(во втором примере that-предложение является неограничительным и выделяется запятыми).
В таких предложениях клозы с that и являются фактом, правдой и т.п.
5. Дополнение предлога
That-clause (в отличие от Noun Phrase) не может непосредственно выступать в роли дополнения предлога. В связи с этим:
(1) Некоторые прилагательные, относящиеся к чувствам и умственным состояниям (например, afraid, certain, delighted, glad, interested, pleased, positive, satisfied, surprised) и которые обычно сопровождаются preposition+NP могут сопровождаться that-clause, но при этом предлог уже не употребляется. Это относится и к некоторым существительным – например, (take) care.
I'm afraid of fire -- I'm afraid (that) the house will catch fire,
Take care of the baby -- Take care (that) nothing happens to the baby.
(2) Между предлогом и that-clause можно вставить оборот the fact:
The fire was due to the fact that someone had dropped a lighted cigarette.
The judge paid no attention to the fact that she had just lost her husband. (не '... paid no attention to that she had just ...' )
He held her completely responsible for the fact that she took food without paying for it. (не '... responsible far that she took ... ')
In spite of the fact that she had three small children, he sent her to prison for six months. (не 'in spite of that she had ... ')
■ Некоторые глаголы, существительные и прилагательные могут употребляться с последующим that-клозом, а некоторые нет (никаких правил здесь нет):
I hope that you'll have a wonderful time.
I want you to have a wonderful time. (не ‘I want that you'll haw...’ )
I understood his wish that we should be there.
I understood the importance of our being there. (не ‘... the importance that we should be there’.)
It's essential that you visit the art museum.
It's worth your visiting the art museum. (не 'It's worth that you visit...' )
■ Союз that часто опускается, особенно в разговорной речи.
(1) That можно опускать после ряда распространенных прилагательных:
I'm glad (that) you're all right.
It's funny (that) he hasn't written.
We were surprised (that) she came.
(2) That обычно не опускается после существительных:
I did not believe [his claim that he was ill] (более естественно, чем ... 'his claim he was ill'.)
He disagreed with [Copernicus' view that the earth went round the sun] (не '... Copernicus' view the earth went ...')
Когда that-клозы употебляются после существительных и прилагательных, они играют грамматические роли уже не в клозе, а в группе.