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6-20. 2-й тип условных предложений (hypothetical conditionals)

Базовая форма такой конструкции – простое прошедшее в if-клозе и would + инфинитив в главной части. Форма прошедшего времени выражает здесь не прошлое, а «сослагательность».

If it rained tomorrow we'd stay at home.

1. Этот тип предложений употребляется для возможных событий в настоящем или будущем, которые говорящий считает маловероятными (или даже невозможными).

Разница между, например, if I come и if I came состоит в том, что if I came относится к невозможному, воображаемому или маловероятному событию.

If I become President, I'll… (слова кандидата)
If I became President, I'd… (слова школьника)

If I win this race, I'll… (слова фаворита)
If I won this race, I'd… (слова аутсайдера)

Еще примеры:

If I knew her name, I would tell you (не ‘If I know ...’ )(не ‘If I would know ...’ ) (не ‘... I will tell you’).
She would be perfectly happy if she had a car.
What would you do if you lost your job?
If I was taller, I would become a policeman.
If he had any money, he'd leave home.
If you took a taxi, you'd get there quicker.
If I had the money I should pay you.
If he heard of your marriage he would be surprised.
If you could see me now, you'd laugh your head off.
The older men would find it difficult to get a job if they left the farm.
I should be surprised if it was less than five pounds.
If I frightened them, they might run away and I would never see them again.
Не wouldn't do it unless you ordered him to do it.
Supposing I accepted this offer, what would you say?
If I knew her name, I would tell you.
What would you do if you lost your job?
If you parked your car there (now), they would tow it away.

2. Таким образом можно сделать свое предложение более вежливым:

Will it be all right if I bring a friend? (прямой вопрос)
Would it be all right if I brought a friend? (более вежливый вопрос)

It would be nice if you helped me a bit with the housework.
Would it be all right if I came round about seven tomorrow?

3. Предложения 2-го типа могут быть иногда близки по смыслу к предложениями 1-го типа (т.е. выражать то, что вполне возможно):

If you went by train, you would get there earlier.
If you didn't stay up so late every evening, you wouldn't feel so sleepy in the morning

Эти предложения достаточно близки по смыслу к следующим:

If you go by train, you will get there earlier
If you don't stay up so late every evening, you won't feel so sleepy in the morning.

Но часто с помощью 2-го типа условных предложений выражаются совершенно нереальные предположения:

If I had longer legs, I'd be able to run faster.

4. С первым лицом в британском английском может употребляться should:

If I knew her name, I should tell you.
If I married you, we should both be unhappy.

5. В качестве сокращения употребляется 'd:

We'd get up earlier if there was a good reason to.