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3.8. Past simple - физическое настоящее и будущее


1. В косвенной речи глагол часто ставится в форме прошедшего времени, хотя то, что он описывает, относится и к настоящему:

A: Did you say you have/had no money?
B: Yes, I'm completely broke.

A: How did you know that I am/was Max Wilson?
B: Well, I remembered that you are/were tall, and wear/wore glasses.

Иногда в таких случаях глагол в прошедшем времени может относиться и к будущему:

My wife will be sorry that she missed seeing you this evening.

2. Как и в русском языке вопрос с глаголом в прошедшем времени звучит вежливее:

Do/Did you want to see me now?
I wonder/wondered if you could help us.
Did you want to sit down and stay a while?

3. Past Simple может выражать «сослагательность»:

I wish you were here.
If you parked your car there, ...
If you really workedhard, you would soon get promoted.
If he took better care of himself, he wouldn’t be absent so often.
It's time we all took a rest.
I wish I had a memory like yours.