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9-4. Пассив с конструкцией vt + iO + dO

Переходный глагол + косвенное дополнение + прямое дополнение

1. Subject + vt + noun phrases (as indirect object) + noun phrase (direct object)

They offered her some food.

1-1 В этой конструкции употребляются глаголы: accord (to), advance (to), afford, allow (to), ask (for), assign (to), bet, bid (to), book (for), bring (to, for), build (for), buy (for), cable (to), call (for), cash (for), catch (for), cause (to), change (for), charge, choose (for), cook (for), cost (-), cut (for), deal (to), deny (to), do (to, for), fetch (to, for), find (for), fix (for), forgive, get (to, for), give (to), grant (to), guarantee, hand (to), keep (for), leave (to, for), lend (to), mean (to), offer (to), order (for), owe (to), pass (to), pay (to), play (to), post (to), prepare (for), promise (to), quote (to), reach (for), read (to), recommend (to), refuse (to), reserve (for), save (for), sell (to), send (to), serve (to), show (to), sing (to, for), spare (for), take (to), teach (to), telephone (to), tell (to), throw (to), wish (to), write (to).

She gave me her email address.

Пассив может быть образован со всеми глаголами кроме call, cost, cut, fix, get, mean, reach, wish:

He was shown the way.

Некоторые глаголы допускают использование двух вариантов пассива.

They gave the children presents.
The children were given presents. Пассив 1-й вариант (непрямое дополнение становится подлежащим).
Presents were given to the children. Пассив 2-й вариант (прямое дополнение становится подлежащим).

Первый вариант более распространен. К глаголам, которые допускают эти два варианта, относятся bring, give, grant, hand, leave, lend, offer, owe, pay, promise, read, send, serve, show, teach, tell, throw:

We were paid lots of money. (несколько менее естественно: Lots of money was paid [to us].)
active alternatives: They paid us lots of money./They paid lots of money to us.
I was taught English by her father. (возможно, но менее естественно: English was taught to me by her father.)

1.2. Прямое дополнение может быть опущено в тех случаях, когда оно ясно из контекста, с глаголами allow, ask, bet, cable, forgive, grant, owe, pay, promise, send, show, teach, telephone, tell, write:

- I'll tell/write you tomorrow.

Пассив возможен со всеми глаголами этой группы кроме grant и owe:

You were asked/shown/told.

Непрямое дополнение может выражать и неодушевленный предмет с push, pull, wash, rub, polish, употребляемых и как существительное и как глагол.

He gave George /the door a push = He pushed George /the door.

Пассив возможет только в таком виде: George/The car was given a push.

2. Subject + vt + noun phrase (as direct object) + prepositional phrase (as oblique complement)

2.1.В этой конструкции употребляются глаголы bring, give, grant, hand, leave, lend, offer, owe, pay, promise, read, send, serve, show, teach, tell, throw:

Please say something to us.
I offered my condolences to the family.

George handed the bottle to William.

Пассив возможен со всеми глаголами кроме cost, reach, wish:

A book was given to George.
Nothing was said to me about it.

2.2 (vt + direct object + for)

She bought a dictionary for her brother.

Пассив возможен со всеми глаголами кроме cost, reach, wish:

Books were provided for George.

В некоторых случаях глаголы употребляются с типовым дополнением:

TAKE advantage of/note of
MAKE fun of/a fuss about/use of
LOSE sight of/touch with
CATCH sight of
GIVE way to
KEEP pace with
PAY attention to
PUT a stop to
SET fire to
GET rid of

В этом случае в пассиве возможны два варианта:

(1) Great care was taken of his books (более формально).
(2) His books were taken great care of (более разговорно).

Возможна такая конструкция:

We leave it to you/ your discretion to decide.
I must leave it to your own judgement to decide whether you should come or not.
We owe it to society to help in the apprehension of criminals.
He owes it to his father’s influence that the Committee appointed him to the position.

Пассив выглядит так:
It is left to you/your discretion to decide.

3. Subject + vt + noun phrase (as indirect object) + that-clause (as direct object)

3.1 Первый вариант:

They told me that I was too early.
We told her [that] she couldn't have them.
He convinced us (that) he could do it.
Did he warn you that he might be late?

C глаголами assure, convince, inform, notify, persuade, remind, tell непрямое дополнение обязательно:

The bank manager convinced them that it was not a good time to start a business. (Нельзя: The bank manager convinced that it was not a good time to start a business.)
Remind her that the committee meeting is on Monday.

С глаголами show, bet, promise, report и warn непрямое дополнение можно опускать:

He showed (us) (that) he could do it.

В обоих случаях возможен только один вариант пассива:
We were convinced/shown/ warned (that) he could do it.

Возможна такая конструкция с косвенным дополнением (to + NP):

He explained (to us) that he was on a diet

Пассив такой конструкции возможен с глаголами кроме complain и remark:

It was reported to us that he had had an accident.

3.3 Глаголы acknowledge, admit, announce, complain, confess, explain, mention, point out, propose, prove, recommend, remark, report, say, state, и suggest допускают комплементацию в виде предложного оборота и that-clause как прямого дополнения:

He did not return to his seat but announced to the general assembly that he was very tired.

4. Subject + vt + noun phrase (as indirect object) + wh-clause (as direct object)

4.1 В этой конструкции употребляются глаголы tell, advise, ask, inform, remind, show, teach:

He asked me what time it was.

I asked him why he came.
Could you please advise me what I should do.
Just to remind you what we covered last time… (преподаватель на лекции)
Don't ask me what it is.

Пассив: I was told when the accident had happened.

С глаголами ask и show непрямое дополнение может опускаться:

He asked (me) where I had been.

Пассив: I was asked when the accident had happened.

4.3 Глагол explain употребляется с wh-clause следующим образом:

He explained (to us) what had happened

Пассив: It was explained to us how the accident had happened.

5. Subject + vt + noun phrase (as indirect object) + wh-infinitive (as direct object)

5.1 Глаголы advise, ask, instruct, remind, show, teach, tell, warn могут употребляться в конструкции с wh-инфинитивом в роли прямого дополнения:

I’ll ask Anne what to wear.
The pastry chef showed him how to create exotic desserts.
They should have told us what to do if we were dissatisfied.
Mary showed us what to do.
I showed them how to do it.
Please tell me which to take.
He told us where to go.
They told the girl where to start.

5.2 Как вариант этой конструкции можно рассматривать обороты с whether (= if в разговорной речи) с глаголами tell, inform, remind:

Tell me if/whether they have gone.

С глаголом ask непрямое дополнение может опускаться:

I asked (you) if/whether they have gone.

I was not told/asked if/whether anyone had telephoned.

6. Subject + vt + noun phrase (as direct object) + to-infinitive clause (as indirect object)

В роли непрямого дополнения может выступать инфинитивный оборот:

I advised Mark to see a doctor.
Who taught you to play the guitar?

К глаголам, которые употребляются в этой конструкции относятся advise, ask, beg, challenge, command, direct, forbid, implore, instruct, invite, order, persuade, recommend, remind, request, teach, tell, urge:

Did they ever advise you to go and see a doctor?
Sally invited her to stay lots of times.