Частотный словарь (1-я тысяча)
● a/an [ə, eɪ] (неопределенный артикль)
● able [ˈeɪbəl] способный, умелый /unable, ably, ability [əˈbɪlɪti]/ inability/disability, enable/disable, disabled, disablement
● about [əˈbaʊt] по, о, об
● above [əˈbʌv] над
● absolute [ˈæbsəˌluːt] полный, абсолютный; absolutely, absolution {Latin solvere to loosen}
● act [ækt] действовать; acting, active/inactive, actively/inactively, activity/ inactivity, action /inaction, activate/deactivate, actual, actually, actuality, actor/actress, actualize, actualization, actionable, enact/enactment, counteract/counteraction, overact, interact/ interaction, transact / transaction, react/reaction/reactionary/ reactor/ reactive; radioactive/ radioactivity
● add [æd] добавлять; added, additive [ˈædɪtɪv], addition [əˈdɪʃən], additional, addendum
● address [əˈdres, ˈæˌdres] адрес; [əˈdres] обращаться к /readdress, addressee [ˌædreˈsi:, ədresˈi:], addressed/unadressed {dīrēctiāre to straighten}
● advice [ædˈvaɪs] совет; advise [ædˈvaɪz], advisedly, adviser, advisory [æˈdvaɪzəri:], advisable [ædˈvaɪzəbəl]/ inadvisable, advisablility/inadvisabiltity {Latin vīsum what seems good}
● afford [əˈfɔ:rd, əˈfoʊrd] позволять себе {forth}
● afraid [əˈfreɪd] /unafraid напуганный, боящийся {frighten}
● aft, after потом; afterward(s), aftermath
● again [əˈɡen; əˈɡeɪn] снова
● against [ə'genst] против
● age [eɪʤ] возраст; aged, ageless, ageing, overage (тинэйджер)
● ago тому назад {go}
● agree [əˈgri:] соглашаться /disagree, agreeable [əˈgri:əbəl]/disagreeble, agreement/ disagreement {Latin grātus pleasing}
● aim [eɪm] цель; aimless, aimlessly, aimlessness
● air [eər] воздух; airless, airly, airy, aerial ['eərɪəl] (аэрофлот)
● all [ɔːl] все; overall
● allow [əˈlaʊ] разрешать /disallow, allowable, allowance {Latin laudāre to praise}
● almost [ˈɔːlməʊst] почти
● already [ɔːlˈredɪ] уже {all+ready}
● also [ˈɔːlsəʊ] тоже
● always [ˈɔːlweɪz, ɔːlwɪz] всегда
● among [əˈmʌŋ]/ amongst среди
● and [ənd, ən; ænd] и
● anger [ˈæŋgər] гнев; angry [ˈæŋgri], angrily
● animal [ˈænəməl] животное; animate [adj. ˈænəmɪt, v. ˈænəˌmeɪt]] /inanimate, animated, animation
● answer [ˈænsər, ˈɑ:nsər] ответ; answerable/unanswerable, unanswered
● any [ˈeni] любой
● appear [əˈpɪə] появляться /disappear/reappear, appearance [əˈpɪərəns] /non-appearance /disappearance /reappearance, apparent [əˈpærənt, əˈpeərənt], apparently, apparition [ˌæpəˈrɪʃən] {Latin pārēre to show}
● apple [ˈæpəl] яблоко
● approve одобрять /disapprove, unproved, approvable, approval/ disapproval, disapproving, approved, approving, approvingly {Latin probāre to test, prove}
● April [ˈeɪprəl] апрель
● argue [ˈɑ:rgju:] спорить; arguer, arguable, argument, argumentation, argumentative [ˌɑ:rgjəˈmentətɪv], outargue (аргумент)
● arm I рука; armful {Old English earm}; arm II оружие/rearm/disarm, armed /unarmed, army, armor, armory, armored, armaments, rearmament, disarmament, armlet {Latin armes weapons} (армия)
● arrive [əˈraɪv] приезжать; arrival {Latin rīpa shore}
● art искусство; artful, artfully, arty, artless, artist, artistic/ inartistic, artistically/inartistically, artistry, artisan, artifact, artifice, artificer, artificial, artificiality (артист)
● as [æz, əz] как
● ask [æsk, ɑ:sk] спрашивать, unasked
● at [æt, ət] у, на
● audio ['ɔ:di:ˌoʊ] звуковой; audible ['ɔ:dəbəl] / inaudible, audibility /inaudibility, audience ['ɔ:di:əns], auditorium; audit ['ɔ:dɪt], audition, auditory
● August [ˈɔːɡəst] август; august
● aunt [ɑːnt; ænt] тетя; aunty
● autumn [ˈɔːtəm] осень; autumnal [ɔːˈtʌmnəl]
● baby [ˈbeɪbi] младенец; babe, babyish
● back спина; backing, backer, backward(s), aback, outback
● bad (worse, worst) плохой; badly, baddie, worsen
● bag сумка; baggy, baggage (багаж)
● bake печь; baker, bakery, baked
● ball I [bɔ:l] мяч; balloon {Middle English bal} (футбол, баскетбол и т.п.); ball II [bɔ:l] балл; ballerina [ˌbæləri:ˈnə], ballet [ˈbæleɪ, ˈbælˌeɪ] {Old French baller to dance}
● band I полоса, лента; bandage/ unbandage, bandan(n)a {Germanic bindan to bind}, band II группа; disband, bandit, banditry {Latin bandum military standard, banner} (банда)
● bank I [bæŋk] берег, насыпь; banking, banker, embank/ embankment {Old Icelandic bakki hill}, bank II [bæŋk] банк{Old Italian banca, bench moneychanger's table}
● bare [beər] голый; barely
● basket ['bæskɪt] корзина {bask} (баскетбол)
● bath [beɪth, bɑ:th] ванна; bathe [beɪð], bathing, bather
● be (am, is, are, was, were, been) быть; being, maybe, might-have-been
● beach [bi:ʧ] пляж (Брайтон-Бич)
● bear I [beər] (bore, born) носить; bearing/overbearing, unbearable, birth/rebirth, berth; forbear/ forbearance {Old High German beran to carry}; bear II [beə] медведь{Germanic beran the brown one}
● beat [bi:t] (beat, beaten) бить; unbeaten, beater, beating, unbeatable, downbeat/ upbeat
● beauty [ˈbju:ti] красота; beautiful, beautification, beatifician
● because потому что; because of из-за
● become (became, become) становиться; becoming
● bed кровать; bedding, embed
● beer [bɪə] пиво
● begin [bɪˈgɪn] начинать; beginning, beginner
● behave вести себя /misbehave, behavior/misbehavior {have}
● belief [bɪˈli:f] вера /disbelief, believe [bɪˈli:v], верить /disbelieve, believer/ unbeliever/ nonbeliever, believable/ unbelievable
● bell колокол, звонок
● belong [bɪˈlɔ:ŋ, bɪ ˈlɒŋ] принадлежать; belongings
● bend гнуть (bent)/ unbend
● bet пари; better, abet/abetter, abetment
● between [bɪˈtwi:n] между {twain}
● big большой
● bill I счет {Latin billa seal on a document} (Билль о правах); bill II клюв {Old English bile beak, trunk}
● bird птица /birdie
● bit I кусок; titbit/ tidbit {Middle English bite morsel} bit II удила{bite} bit III бит, двоичный знак [b(inary dig)it.]; bit IV Past tense and a past participle of bite.
● bite (bit, bitten) кусать; biting
● bitter [ˈbɪtər] горький; bitterly, bitterness, bitters, embitter/embittered
● black черный; blacken
● blank пустой; blankly, blanket ['blæŋkɪt], blanketed
● blind [blaɪnd] слепой; blinding, blindly, blindness, blinders, purblind
● blood [blʌd] кровь; bloody, bloodless, bloodlessness, bleed, bleeding
● blow I [bloʊ] дуть (blew/blown)/ overblow/ counterblow, blowy {Old Norse blǣr gust of wind} blow II [bloʊ] удар/ counterblow {bliuwan to beat}; blow III цвести {Old Frisian blōia to bloom}
● blue [blu:] голубой; bluish, bluing
● board [bɔ:rd, boʊrd] доска; boarding, boarder, aboard, aboveboard/ overboard/ outboard (скейтборд)
● boat [boʊt] лодка (ботик Петра)
● body [ˈbɒdɪ] тело /nobody/ anybody/ everybody/ somebody, bodily, embody/ embodiment, bodice
● boil кипеть; boiling, boiler, parboil (бойлер)
● bone кость; bony, boner
● book [bʊk] книга; booking, bookish, bookishness, booklet
● boot I [bu:t] ботинок; bootee, booty {Middle English bote boot}, boot II [bu:t] выгода, преимущество{Old English bōt help}
● bore I [bɔ:r, boʊr] сверлить {Old High German borōn to bore}, bore II [bɔ:r, boʊr] надоедать, boring, boredom [of unknown origin]; bore III {Past tense of bear}.
● both [boʊθ] оба
● bother [ˈbɒðər] беспокоить; bothersome
● bottle [ˈbɒtl] бутылка
● bottom [ˈbɒtəm] дно; bottomless
● box I коробка {Latin buxus box}; box II удар кулаком; boxer, boxing {Dutch boken to shunt, push into position}, box III самшит {Latin buxus boxwood}
● boy мальчик; boyish, boyhood (ковбой)
● brain мозг; brainy, brainless
● bread [bred] хлеб
● break [breɪk] ломать (broke, broken)/outbreak, unbroken, breakable/ unbreakable/ nonbreakable, breakage, breaker (брейк-данс)
● breakfast [ˈbrekfəst] завтрак {break +fast}
● breast [brest] грудь; abreast
● breath [brɛθ] дыхание; breathe [bri:ð], breathing, breather, breathless, breathlessly
● bridge [brɪʤ] мост{Old Norse bryggja gangway}; bridge II бридж {Old Russian birichĭ}
● brief краткий; briefing, briefly, briefless, brevity
● bright [braɪt] ярий; brighten, brightness
● bring (brought) приносить; upbringing
● brother [ˈbrʌðər] брат (brethren)/ bro, brotherly
● brown [braʊn] коричневый; browning, brownie
● brush щетка
● build [bɪld] (built) строить /rebuild, builder, building / outbuilding (боди-билдер)
● bull [bʊl] бык; bullock, bully I; bully II {бульдог}
● burn (burnt) гореть /re born, burning, burner
● bus автобус; omnibus (автобус)
● busy [ˈbɪzi] занятый; busily, business, businesslike/ unbusinesslike (бизнес)
● but но
● butter [ˈbʌtər] масло; buttery
● button [bʌtn] пуговица, кнопка; unbutton
● buy [baɪ] покупать; buyer
● by [baɪ] у; nearby
● bye [baɪ] пока; bye-bye
● cab/cabriolet такси
● café [kæ'feɪ, kə'feɪ] кафе / cafeteria [ˌkæfɪ'tɪ(ə)ri:ə]
● cake торт; caked (кекс)
● call [kɔ:l] звать; calling, caller, so-called, recall
● calm [kɑːm] спокойный; calmness, becalm
● camera [ˈkæmərə, ˈkæmrə] фото/кинокамера
● can I (could) {Middle English connen to know how} can II банка/жестянка; canned, canny, canister, cannery {Middle English canne a water container} (канистра)
● cap кепка
● capital [ˈkæpɪtəl] столица; капитал; capitalize, capitalization, capitalism, capitalist, capitulate/ recapitulate, capitulation/ recapitulation; decapitate, decapitation
● captain [ˈkæptɪn, ˈkæptən] капитан
● car автомобиль, машина; cart, carter (электрокар)
● card карта; discard
● care [keər] заботиться /after-care, careful, careless, uncaring
● carry нести /miscarry, carriage/ undercarriage/ miscarriage, carrier
● case I случай; in case, casual, casually, casualty, {Old French cas a happening}; case II коробка, чемодан /encase, casement {Old French casse to take, hold} (кейс)
● cast бросать; casting, forecast, downcast, overcast, outcast, recast,, miscast (кастинг)
● cat кошка; catty, kittenish, kitty
● catch (caught) поймать; catching, catchy, catcher
● cause [kɔ:z] причина; causeless, causal
● ceiling [ˈsi:lɪŋ] потолок
● center [ˈsentər] центр /epicentre, central, centralize/decentralize, centralization/decentralization, centrifugal, centripetal, eccentric/egocentric/ geocentric, eccentricity, concentrate, concentrated, concentration, concentric {cent}
● cert, certain [ˈsɜ:rtn] определенный, некоторый /uncertain, certainly, certainty/ uncertainty, certify, certificate, certification, incertitude, ascertain
● chain цепь; enchain
● chair [tʃeər] стул
● champion [ˈtʃæmpɪən, ʧæmpi:ən] чемпион /champ, championship
● chance случай, возможность, шанс; chancy, mischance/perchance
● change [ʧeɪnʤ] менять; changeable, changeability/ changeless, unchanged, unchanging, exchange/exchangeable, interchange,/interchangeable/interchangebiltiy
● character [ˈkærɪktə] характер; characteristic [ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk] /uncharacteristic, characterize, characterization
● cheap [ʧi:p] дешевый; cheaply, cheapness, cheapen
● check задерживать, проверять /cheque, unchecked, exchequer (чек)
● cheese сыр
● chest сундук
● chicken/ chick цепленок
● child [ʧaɪld] (children [ˈʧɪldrən]) ребенок; childish, childless, childhood, childlike
● chocolate [ˈtʃɒkəlɪt, ˈtʃɒklɪt, ˈtʃɒlət] шоколад
● choose [ʧu:z] (chose, chosen) выбирать; choosey, choice
● church церковь
● cigar [sɪˈgɑ:r] сигара /cigarette [ˌsɪgəˈret, ˈsɪgəˌret]/ciggie
● cinema [ˈsɪnəmə] кино; cinematography (кинематограф)
● circle круг /semicircle, circlet, circuit/microcircuit, circuitous, circular, circulate, circulation, circulatory, circus encircle, encircling, encirclement (циркуль)
● city [ˈsɪti] город /intercity, citizen, citizenship
● class класс /subclass, classy, classic, classical, classicism, classicist, classify/ declassify, classification, classified/ unclassified, outclass
● clean [kli:n] чистить /unclean, cleaner, cleaning, cleanliness, cleanse [klenz]
● clear [klɪər] чистый; clearance, clearing; clarify, clarification, clarity
● clever [ˈklevər] умный
● clock [klɒk] часы; clockwise/counterclockwise/ anticlockwise, o'clock
● close [ kloʊs] закрытый; близко, рядом; [kloʊz] закрывать; [kloʊz] конец; disclose, closed, closing, closure/ disclosure, undisclosed, closely, enclose/ enclosed/ enclosure
● cloth (klɒθ) материя, ткань; clothe, clothes [kloʊz, kloʊðz] /underclothes, clothing, clothier, clad
● cloud [klaʊd] облако; cloudy, cloudless, unclouded, becloud
● club I клуб {Old Norse klubba group of trees}; club II дубинка {Old English clympre lump of metal}
● coat [koʊt] пальто; coating, undercoat /overcoat
● coffee ['kɔ:fi:, 'kɒfi:] кофе
● cold [koʊld] холодный; coldly, coldness
● collect [kə'lekt] собирать /recollect, collected, collection [kə'lekʃən]/ recollection, collective, collectively, collector {Latin legere to gather} (коллекционировать)
● color [ˈkʌlə] цвет; colouring, colourless, colourful, coloration/discoloration, colored/ uncolored/ multicolored/ discolor (колер)
● come [kʌm] (come, came) приходить; comer, welcome/unwelcome, welcoming, income, incoming, overcome, outcome, oncoming, upcoming, forthcoming
● company [ˈkʌmpəni] компания; companion, companionable, companionship, accompany accompaniment, accompanist, unaccompanied {Latin pānis bread}
● connect соединять /disconnect/ interconnect, connecting, connection/disconnection, connected/disconnected/ unconnected, connective [kə'nekt] {Latin nectere to bind}
● consider [kənˈsɪdə] считать, полагать; considerable/inconsiderable, considerably, considerate/ inconsiderate, inconsiderateness, consideration/ considering, unconsidered /reconsider, reconsideration {Latin sīdus star}
● continue ['kənˈtɪnju:] продолжать /discontinue, continual, continually, continuous/discontinuous, continuation/discontinuation, continuity {Latin tenēre to hold}
● controll [kən'troʊl] руководить, контролировать; controller, controllable/ uncontrollable {Latin contra + rotulus, roll}
● cook [kʊk] готовить еду; cooker, cookery, cookie, cooking, overcook/ recook (кук на корабле)
● cool [ku:l] прохладный; coolly, cooling, cooler, coolness
● corner [ˈkɔ:rnər] угол, поворот ("корнер" в футболе)
● cost [kɔ:st] цена; costing, costiness, costly
● cough [kɔ:f, kɒf] кашлять; hiccough/hiccup ['hɪkəp]
● count I [kaʊnt] считать /miscount/ countless, counter, account accountable/unaccountable, accountancy, accountant, discountenance, unaccounted; recount/ discount [Middle English counten to calculate] count II {kaʊnt} граф; countess, county [Middle English counte]
● country [ˈkʌntri] местность, страна
● couple [ˈkʌpəl] пара
● course курс; courser, coursing, discourse, intercourse [kɔ:rs, koʊrs]
● cover [ˈkʌvər] покрывало, покрывать; undiscovered, coverlet, irrecoverable, covering, coverage, discover, discovery, recover/undercover
● cow [kaʊ] корова
● craze сумашествие; crazy, craziness
● cross [krɔ:s, krɒs] крест /across, crossing, crossness, criss-cross, uncrossed (кросс по пересеченной местности)
● crowd [kraʊd] толпа; overcrowd overcrowded, overcrowding
● cry [kraɪ] кричать, крик /outcry /decry, crying
● cup чашка
● cut резать; uncut, cutting, cutter, cutlery, cutlet /undercut (катер – разрезает воду)
● dad папа; daddy
● dance танцевать; танец; dancing, dancer
● danger [ˈdeɪnʤər] опасность; dangerous, dangerously, endanger
● dark темный, темнота; darken, darkly, darkness/semidarkness
● date I дата, число /dating, undated/ outdated, update, antedate {Latin data, issued (at Rome) (on a certain day)} date II финик {Greek daktulos finger}
● daughter ['dɔ:tər] дочь
● day день /midday, daily, yesterday/today
● dear [dɪər] дорогой; dearly, dearness, dearth, endear, endearing, endearment, darling
● December [dɪˈsembər] декабрь
● decide [dɪˈsaɪd] решать; decided/undecided, decidedly, decisive/ indecisive, decision/ indecision
● deep глубокий, глубоко; deepen, deeply, deepness, depth [depθ]
● die I [daɪ] умирать; dead, deadly, deaden, undying, death, deathly {Old Norse deyja dead, death} die II клише, штепель; игральная кость / dice {Latin datum given (as by fortune in the roll of the dice)}
● differ [ˈdɪfər] различаться; difference/indifference, different [ˈdɪfərənt, ˈdɪfrənt] /indifferent, differently/indifferently, differential, differentiate, differentiation {Latin ferre to carry} (дифференциал – изменяет скорость вращения)
● difficult [ˈdɪfɪˌkʌlt, -kəlt] сложный; difficulty {Latin facilis easy}
● dine, dining, dinner [ˈdɪnər] обед; diner
● direct [dɪˈrekt, daɪˈrekt] прямой, направлять /indirect/redirect/misdirect, direction/redirection/misdirection, directive, directly/indirectly, directness, directorate, directotrial, director, directory {Latin regere to guide}
● dirt грязь; dirty, dirtiness
● dish блюдо
● distance расстояние /outdistance, distant ['dɪstənt]/equidistant {Latin stāre, to stand} {stance} (дистанция)
● do [du:] (did/done) делать /undo/ redo/ doing, doer, undoing, deed /indeed /misdeed, outdo, overdo, underdone, overdone, ado
● doctor/Dr [ˈdɒktər] врач, доктор; doctoral, doctorate, doctrine, doctrinaire; indoctrinate, indoctrination
● dog [dɔ:g, dɒg] собака, пес; dogged, doggy, doggerel (дог – порода собак)
● doll [dɒl] кукла /dolly
● dollar [ˈdɒlər] доллар
● door [dɔ:r, doʊr] дверь /outdoor/ indoor, outdoors, out-of-doors
● double [ˈdʌbəl] двойной / redouble, doubly
● doubt [daʊt] сомневаться, сомение; doubtful, doubtfulness, doubtless, doubtler, undoubted
● down I [daʊn] вниз; downward(s), upside down {Middle English dūn hill}; down II пух; downy {Old Norse dūnn}
● dozen [ ˈdʌzən] дюжина
● draw [drɔ:] (drew, drawn) тянуть; рисовать /overdraw, draw, drawer, drawing; withdraw (withdrew, withdrawn), withdrawal
● dream [dri:m] мечта, мечтать; сон; сниться; dreamer, dreamily, dreamy, dreaminess
● dress одежда, одевать(ся) / undress, dressing overdress (дресс-код)
● drink (drank/drunk) пить, напиток drinkable/ undrinkable, drinker/ nondrinker, drunkard, drunken, drunkenness
● drive (drove, driven) гнать; ездить; driver/ co-driver, driving
● drop ронять, капля; droplet, dropper, droppings; drip, dripping, drippings
● drum барабан; барабанить; drummer, humdrum, doldrums
● dry [draɪ] сухой, сушить(ся); dryly, dried, drier
● duck I утка; ducking, ducky; {Middle English douken to dive] duck II парусина {Dutch doek cloth}
● during [ˈdʊrɪng, ˈdjʊrɪng] во время, в течение; durable, durability, duration
● dust пыль; duster, dusting, dusty
● each [i:ʧ] каждый
● ear [ɪər] ухо
● early ['ɜ:rli] ранний, рано
● earth [ɜ:rθ] земля / unearth, earthly/unearthly, earthy, earthiness
● ease [i:z] облегчать, легкость; easy/ uneasy, easily, easiness / disease, diseased
● east [i:st] восток; Easter, easterly, eastern, eastward(s)
● eat [i:t] есть /overeat, eatable/uneatable, eating, eater, eatery, eats, uneaten
● edge [eʤ] край; edging, edgy, edgeways, edgewise
● egg яйцо
● eight [eɪt] восемь; eighth, eighteen, eighteenth, eighty
● either ['i:ðər, ˈaɪðər] любой из двух /neither
● electric [ɪˈlektrɪk] электрический; electrical, electrician [ɪlekˈtrɪʃən, ˌi:lek-], electrify, electricity [ɪlekˈtrɪsɪti, ˌi:lɪek-], electron, electronic, electronics, electrode
● eleven [ɪˈlevən] одиннадцать; eleventh
● else [els] еще
● empty [ˈempti] пустой, опоражнивать /half-empty, emptiness
● end конец, заканчивать; ending/unending, endless, endwise, endways, endmost
● enemy ['enəmi] враг / archenemy, enmity {Latin amicus friend}
● enough [ˈɪnʌf] достаточно, достаточный
● enter [ˈentər] входить; entrance, entrant, entry, entrancing, entrée
● envelope конверт; envelop [en'veləp] заворачивать; envelopment, enveloping {Latin voloper to wrap up}
● eve, even I [ˈi:vən] ровный, равный, даже /uneven, evenly, evenness, uneventful {Old Norse jafn even, equal} even II даже{Old Norse jafn even, equal}
● evening [ˈiːvnɪŋ] вечер
● ever [ˈevər] когда-либо /never/ evermore/nevermore, nevertheless, never-never, forever
● every [ˈevri:] каждый
● examine [ɪɡˈzæmɪn] осматривать, экзаменовать /re-examine, examination/ exam, examinee, examiner {Latin agere to weigh}
● except [ɪkˈsept] кроме, исключать; excepting, exception, exceptional, exceptionable {capere to take}
● excuse [ɪksˈkju:s] оправдание; причина; [ɪksˈkju:z] извинять, прощать; excusably {causa accusation}
● expect ожидать; expectancy, expectant, expectantly, expectation, unexpected unexpected {Latin spectāre to look at; spectator, inspect, respect, retrospect, suspect, prospect, aspect}
● explain объяснять; explainable, explanation, explanatory, unexplained {Latin plānus clear}
● eye [aɪ] глаз; eyelet
● face лицо; resurface, facial, faceless, facing, facer, defacement/ effacement; facet [ˈfæsɪt], multifaceted /efface/ deface, surface [ˈsɜːfɪs],
● fact факт; factual, factually, factuality
● fail не удаваться, не хватать; failing/ unfailing, failure [ˈfeɪljə], defaulter, fault, default, faultiness, faultless, faulty
● fair I [feə] светлый, ясный, справедливый /unfair, fairly, fairish, fairness, fairy {Old English fæger lovely, pleasant}; fair II ярмарка {Latin fēriae holidays}
● fall [fɔ:l] (fell, fallen) падать, падение; befall
● fame слава; famed; famous/infamous, famously, infamy, defamation, defamatory /defame
● family ['fæməli, 'fæmli] семья; familiar/ unfamiliar, familiarity, familiarize, familiarization
● far (farther/further, farthest/ furthest) далекий, далеко; afar, faraway, furthermore, furthermost
● fast I быстрый, быстро; fastness, fasten, fastener, fastening {Old English fæst firm, fixed}; fast II крепкий, крепко; fastness, unfasten {Old English fæst firm, fixed}; fast III пост (религиозный) {Old English fæst firm, fixed}
● fat жир, жирный; fatty, fatten, fattening
● father [ˈfɑ:ðə] отец /grandfather, fatherly
● fear [fɪər] страх, бояться; fearful, fearfully, fearless, fearsome
● February [ˈfebrʊərɪ, ˈfebruˌeri, ˈfebju-] февраль
● feed (fed) кормить; feeder, underfed, food еда.
● feel (felt) чувствовать; feeler, feeling/ unfeeling
● fellow/ [ˈfeloʊ] парень /fella
● few [fju:] (fewer, fewest) немногие, мало; fewness
● field [fi:ld] поле /afield
● fight [faɪt] (fought) драться, драка; fighter, fighting/ infighting
● figure [ˈfɪɡə; ˈfɪɡjər] цифра, число, фигура; figurative, configuration, configure transfigure disfigure
● fill наполнять filling, overfill, refill; full полный /overfull, fully; fulfil, fulfillment/ nonfulfilment, overfulfil, unfulfilled
● final [ˈfaɪnəl] последний, финал; finale, finalize, finalization, finally, finality; finish, unfinished, finishing
● find [faɪnd] (found) находить; finding, findings
● fine I прекрасный, прекрасно /refine, finery, fineness, finesse, refined, refinery, unrefined; finical finicky {Latin fīnis end, supreme degree.} fine II штраф {Latin fīnis end}
● finger палец; fingering
● fire [faɪr] огонь, зажигать; firing, afire
● firm твердый, прочный; фирма /infirm, firmness, affirm/ affirmative/ affirmation, infirmary, infirmity, unconfirmed; confirm, confirmed, confirmatory (фирма)
● fish рыба; fishy, fishing
● five пять; fiver, fivefold, fifteen, fifteenth, fifth, fiftieth, fifty
● flat плоский, плоско; квартира; flatly, flatness, flatten
● floor [flɔ:r, floʊr] пол, этаж; flooring
● flow [floʊ] течь, течение /overflow/inflow/outflow, flood, flooding, fleet, fleeting, float, afloat, floating
● flower [ˈflaʊər] цветок; flowery, flowering, flourish, flourishing
● fly [flaɪ] (flew, flown) летать; муха; flyer, flying, flight, flighty, flightiness
● follow [ˈfɒloʊ] следовать, идти за; follower, following, following
● fool [fu:l] глупец, дурак; foolery, foolish, foolishness
● foot [fʊt] (feet) нога; afoot, underfoot, footing (фут)
● for для
● fore передний; forth, forthwith, forward, forward, forwardly, forwardness; before
● force сила, заставлять /forced, forceful, forcible,enforce/ enforceable, enforcement, reinforce reinforcement, perforce (форсировать)
● forest [ˈfɔ:rɪst, ˈfɒrɪst] лес /deforest, deforestation, forester, forestry
● forget (forgot, forgotten) забывать; unforgotten, forgetful, forgetfulness, unforgettable {get}
● forgive (forgave, forgiven) прощать; forgivable/unforgivable, forgiveness, forgiving {give}
● fork вилка; forked
● form форма, образовывать, формировать /multiform, formal/ informal, formally, formality/informality, formation malformation, formative, formless, formalize, formalization, format, malformed; deform, deformed, deformity, deformation; inform/ misinform, uninformed, informally, informant, information, informative, informer, misinformation; conform, conformable, conformation, conformity, conformism; transform, transformation, transformer; reform, re-form, reformation, reformative, reformatory, uniform; former I, former II, formerly
● four четыре; fourteen, fourteenth, fourth, fourthly, forty, fortieth [fɔ:r, foʊr]
● fox лиса; foxy
● free свободный, освобождать; freedom
● freeze (froze, frozen) морозить, замерзать; antifreeze, freezer, freezing, frost мороз/defrost, frosted, frosty (рефрижератор)
● fresh свежий /refresh, freshen, freshly, freshness; refreshing, refreshment afresh
● Friday [ˈfraɪdeɪ, ˈfraɪdi] пятница
● friend [frend] друг /befriend, friendly/unfriendly, friendship
● from [frʌm, frɒm, frəm] от, из
● front [frʌnt] передний, фасад, лицевая сторона, фронт; effrontery, frontal, frontier, affront, confront/ confrontation
● fun веселье; funny, funnily
● future [ˈfju:ʧər] будущее, бущущий; futurism, futuristic (футуризм)
● game I игра; gamester, gamy, gaming {Old German gaman amusement}; game II хромой, gammy {Irish cam crooked}
● garage [gəˈrɑːʒ, ˈɡærɑːʒ, ˈɡærɪdʒ] гараж
● garden сад; gardening, gardener [ˈɡɑːdən, ˈɡɑːdn]
● gentle [ʤentl] нежный, мягкий; gentleness, genteel
● get (got, gotten) получать: попадать куда-либо; становиться /, gotta, beget/ begetter
● girl девочка /gal, girlish, girly, girlhood
● give [gɪv] (gave, given) давать / misgive, misgiving; gift, gifted
● glad рад; gladly, gladden
● glance [glæns] взглянуть, взгляд
● glass стекло, стакан, зеркало; glazed, glazier (глазурь)
● glove [glʌv] перчатка
● go (went, gone) ходить, уходить; outgoing, begone/bygone gonna, forgo/ forego/foregoing, foregone, undergo
● god бог; goddess, ungodly
● gold [goʊld] золото; golden, gild, gilt
● good [gʊd] (better, best) хороший; добро, польза; goods, goodly, goodness
● govern [ˈgʌvərn] править, управлять; governing, governess, government, governmental, governor (гувернер)
● gram грамм /gramm, kilogram/kilo, milligram
● grand величественный, грандиозный; grandiose, grandiosely, grandiosity, granny, grandeur, aggrandize
● grass трава; grassy
● gray серый /grey
● great [greɪt] великий, большой; greatly, greatness
● green зеленый; greenery, greenish, evergreen
● greet приветствовать; greeting
● ground I [graʊnd] земля, почва /underground/ aground, grounding, groundless; ground II (Past tense and past participle of grind)
● group [gru:p] группа; grouping/regrouping, regroup
● grow [groʊ] (grew, grown) расти; growing, grower, growth/undergrowth, outgrow /overgrown/ ingrown
● guess [ges] угадывать, догадка
● guest [gest] гость
● guitar [gɪ'tɑ:r] гитара
● gun пушка, ружье, пистолет; gunner
● guy [gaɪ] парень; чучело
● habit [ˈhæbɪt] привычка; habitual [həˈbɪʧu:əl], habitually, habitable inhabitable/ uninhabitable, habitat, habituate, habitation, habitué, habited/ inhabited /cohabit inhabit, inhabitant rehabilitate, rehabilitation,
● hair волос, волосы; hairy [heər]
● half [hæf, hɑ:f] половина, наполовину; halve, halves, behalf
● hand рука /overhand/forehand/ underhand/ backhand, handy, handsome, handful, handle
● hang (hung) вешать; hanging, hanger
● happen случаться; happening {hap}
● happy счастливый /unhappy, happiness, happily/ unhappily, unhappiness {hap}
● hard твердый; harden, hardly, hardship (хард-рок)
● hat шляпа
● hate ненавидеть; hateful, hater, hatred
● have [hæv] (had) иметь
● he он /him, himself, his
● head [hed] голова; ahead, ahead of, heading/ subheading, heady, header, forehead [ˈfɒrɪd; ˈfɔːˌhed] / behead/overhead
● hear [hɪər] слышать; hearing, hearer overhear,
● heart [hɑ:rt] сердце; hearten/ dishearten, hearty, heartily, heartiness, heartless, heartlessness
● heat [hi:t] тепло, нагревать; overheat/ reheat/preheat, heated, heating, heater
● heavy [ˈhevi] тяжелый; heavily, heaviness
● hell ад; hellish
● hello здравствуйте /hullo /hallo
● help помогать, помощь; helper, helpful/ unhelpful, helping, helpless, helplessness
● hen курица
● here [hɪər] здесь; hereabout(s)
● hi привет
● hide I (hid/ hidden) скрывать, прятаться {Middle Dutch hüden to conceal}; hide II шкура; hiding {Old High German hūt skin}
● high [haɪ] высокий; highly, higher, highness, height, heighten
● hill холм /downhill/uphill
● hind/behind [bɪˈhaɪnd] сзади; hindmost; hinder [ˈhɪndər], hindrance
● history [ˈhɪstəri] история /prehistory, historian, historical, historiography, historiographer, prehistoric
● hit ударять, удар
● hold [hoʊld] (held) держать; withhold, behold/ beholder/ beholden
● hole дыра
● holy [ˈhoʊli] святой /unholy
● home дом; at-home, homely, homeless, homage, homeward(s)
● honest [ˈɒnɪst] честный /dishonest, honesty/ dishonesty, honor [ˈɒnər] / dishonor, honorable/dishonorable, honorarium, honorary
● honey [ˈhʌni] мед
● hook [hʊk] крюк, цеплять на крючок /unhook, hooked, hooky {хук – удар в боксе}
● hope надежда, надеяться; hopeful, hopefully, hopefulness, hopeless
● horror [ˈhɔ:rər, ˈhɒrər] ужас; horrify, horrified, horrifying, horrid [ˈhɔ:rɪd, ˈhɒrɪd], horrific, horrible, horrendous [hɔ:ˈrendəs, həˈrendəs]
● horse [hɔ:rs] конь, лошадь
● hot горячий; hotly
● hotel [hoʊˈtel] отель /motel
● hour [aʊr] час; hourly
● house [haʊs] дом; housing/, outhouse/ rehouse
● how [haʊ] как; anyhow/somehow, however [haʊˈɛvə]
● human [ˈhju:mən] человеческий, человек; superhuman/ inhuman, humane [hju:ˈmeɪn] /inhumane, humanism, humanity/ inhumanity, humanly; exhume /exhumation, posthumous/posthumously (гуманный)
● humor [ˈhju:mər] юмор; humorless, humourous, humorist, humoresque
● hundred [ˈhʌndrɪd] сто; hundredth, hundredfold
● hunger [ˈhʌŋgər] голод; hungry, hungrily
● hurry [ˈhɜ:ri, ˈhʌri] спешить, спешка; hurried/ unhurried
● hurt ушибать, вредить /unhurt, hurtful
● husband [ˈhʌzbənd] муж; husbandry
● I я; me, my, mine, myself
● ice [aɪs] лед; icy, iced, icing, icicle; iceberg (айсберг)
● idea [aɪˈdɪə] идея; ideal, ideally, idealist [aɪˈdi:əlɪst], idealistic [aɪˌdi:əˈlɪstɪk], idealism, idealize, idealization; ideology [ˌaɪdɪˈɒlədʒɪ], ideological, ideologist
● if если
● ill больной; illness
● image [ˈɪmɪʤ] образ; imagery, imagine [ɪˈmæʤɪn], imaginable/unimaginable, imagination, imaginary, imaginative / unimaginative (имидж)
● in в; into, inner, inward, inwardness, inwardly, inward(s), innards, all-in, within
● interest [ˈɪntrɪst; ˈɪntərɪst] интерес, интересовать /self-interest/disinterest, interested/disinterested, interesting, disinterestedness {Latin esse to be}
● invite приглашать; inviting/ uninviting, invitation, uninvited {Latin vītāre to be desirous of}
● iron ['aɪərn] железо, утюг /non-iron, ironing
● island [ˈaɪlənd] остров; islander {land}
● it он, она, оно (о неодушевленных предметах; its, itself
● jacket [ˈʤækɪt] пиджак, кутрка (жакет)
● jail тюрьма; jailer
● January [ˈʤænju:ˌeri] январь
● job работа, должность; jobbery, jobbing, jobless, jobber
● join соединять; joiner, joinery, joint, jointly, disjoin/disjointed / adjoin/ enjoin/ rejoin, rejoinder
● joke шутка, шутить; joker, joking, jokingly; jocose, jocular, jocund, jocoseness, jocosity, jocularity
● joy радость; joyful, joyless, joyous, overjoyed; enjoy / enjoyable/ enjoyment; rejoice, rejoicings
● July [ʤʊˈlaɪ] июль
● jump прыжок, прыгать; jumper, jumping, jumpy
● June [ʤu:n] июнь
● just точно, как раз /unjust, justly, justness, justice/injustice, justify, justifiable/unjustifiable, justifiably, justification; adjustable, adjust/ adjustment/ maladjustment/readjust; readjustment, maladjusted
● keep (kept) держать; keeper; keeping upkeep
● key [ki:] ключ
● kick лягать
● kid козленок; ребенок
● kill убивать; killer, killing (киллер)
● kind I [kaɪnd] добрый /unkind, unkindly, kindness, kindly, kindliness {Middle English kinde natural, kind}; kind II род, вид {Old English gecynd race, offspring, kind}
● king король; kingdom
● kiss целовать, поцелуй
● kitchen кухня /kitchenette
● knee колено; kneel
● knife [naɪf] нож
● knock стучать, стук; knocker, knocking
● know [noʊ] (knew, known) знать; unknown, knowing, knowing, knowingly/unknowingly, knowledge [ˈnɒlɪʤ] /acknowledge [ækˈnɒlɪʤ], knowledgeable, unacknowledged, acknowledged, acknowledgement
● lady [ˈleɪdi] дама, госпожа
● lake озеро (Солт-Лейк-Сити)
● lamp лампа
● land земля; landing, outlandish inland/overland (диснейленд)
● language [ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ] язык
● large [lɑ:rʤ] большой; largely, largish, enlarge/ enlargement, largess(e)
● last I конец, последний; lastly {Old English latost late}; last II длиться; lasting, everlasting outlast {Gothic laistjan to follow}; last III колодка {Old English lǣste sole of the foot}
● late поздний; belated, lately, lateness, later, latest, latter, latterly
● laugh [læf, lɑf] смеяться; смех; laughable, laughing, laughter
● law [lɔ:] закон; lawyer, lawful/ unlawful, lawless, lawlessness by-law, in-laws,
● lay класть; lair, inlaid, layer, overlay/ inlay, allay/ mislay/ interlay/ outlay {Old English licgan to lie}; lay II мирской, светский {Greek lāos the people} lay III {Past tense of lie}.
● laze, lazyленивый; laziness
● lead I [li:d] вести /mislead, leader, leadership, leading/ misleading {Old German līdan to go}; lead II [led] свинец {Middle German lōt plummet} (лидер)
● leaf [li:f] (leaves) лист /overleaf, leafy, leafless, leaflet
● learn [lɜ:rn] учиться /relearn, learned, learner, learning
● leave [li:v] покидать; leavings
● left I левый, левая сторона; lefty; left II {Past tense and past participle of leave}
● leg нога; leggy
● lesson [ˈlesən] урок
● let разрешать, позволять; sublet/ outlet/ inlet
● letter буква, письмо; lettered, lettering; obliterate, obliteration (литера)
● level ˈlevəl] уровень, ровный; leveler
● library [ˈlaɪbrərɪ,,laɪ'breri:] библиотека; librarian [laɪˈbrɛərɪən]
● lie I [laɪ] (lay, lain) лежать; outlying, underlying; {Old High German ligen to lie, Latin lectus bed}; lie II лгать, ложь ; liar, belie {Old English lyge a lie, falsehood}
● lift поднимать; lifting, uplift
● light I [laɪt] (lit/unlit) свет; lighting, lighter, lightly, alight, lighten, enlightened, enlightenment, enlighten {Old English līht light}; light II {Old English līhtan to make light, relieve of a weight }
● like I любить /unlike likeness, likewise, likely, unlikely, likeable, likes, liking/ alike {Old English līcian to please}; like II подобно, как /dislike, likeable/ dislikable, disliking {Middle English like similar}
● line I линия; underline, lineage, lineal, lineament, linear, liner; unlined, align /outline/ {Latin līnea string, cord}; line II обшивать; lining {Middle English linen flax, linen cloth}
● lion лев /lioness
● lip губа
● listen [ˈlɪsən] слушать; listener
● little [lɪtl] (less, least) маленький; unless, lest, lessen, lesser, lessening, lesser, leastways, leastwise belittle
● live [lɪv] жить; lively, liven, living, liver; /outlive/relive, enliven, life, lifer, lifeless; live [laɪv] живой /alive
● lock I замок /unlock, locker, locket; interlock {Old English loc bolt, bar.}; lock II локон {Old Norse lokkr lock of wool}
● lone одинокий /alone, lonesome, lonely, loneliness, lonelier, lonelier
● long I [lɔ:ng, lɒng] длинный; longitude, longitudinal, length [leŋkθ, leŋθ, lenθ], lengthen, lengthening, lengthy, lengthiness; along, alongside; prolong, prolonged, prolongation, longitude; oblong, elongate/ elonglate/ elongation {Old English lang}; long II очень хотеть, страсно желать; longing, longevity [lɒnˈʤevɪti, lɔ:nˈʤevɪti] {Old English langian to grow longer; see long I}
● look [lʊk] смотреть, взгляд /overlook/ outlook, onlooker
● lose [luːz] (lost) терять; loser, loss, losings (лузер)
● lot много, многое; allot/ allotment, lottery, lotto (лот на аукционе)
● loud [laʊd] громкий /aloud, loudness
● love [lʌv] любить, любовь; lovely, lovable, loving, loveliness, beloved, lover
● low I [loʊ] низкий; lower; below {Old Frisian lēch low}; low II мычать, мычание {Old High German hluoen; to call out}
● luck удача; luckless, lucky/unlucky, luckily/ unluckily
● lunch ланч; luncheon, luncheonette
● machine [məˈʃi:n] машина, станок; submachine, machinery machination [mækɪˈneɪʃən; ˌmæʃ-]
● mad сумасшедший; madden, maddening, madly, madness
● magazine [ˌmæg əˈzin, ˈmæg əˌzin] журнал
● mail I почта, письма {Middle English male bag}; mail II кольчуга {Middle English maille one of the rings of which such armor was composed} (эмэйл)
● main главный; mainly
● make (made/unmade) делать /remake, making, maker
● man (men) человек, мужчина
● manage [ˈmænɪʤ] руководить, управлять /mismanage, manageable/ unmanageable, management/ mismanagement, manager, managerial, managing (менеджер)
● many [ˈmeni] (more [mɔ:r, moʊr], most [moʊst]) много, многие; mostly, almost / uttermost/ inmost/ foremost/utmost
● map карта
● March I март {Latin Mārtius (month) of Mars}; march II марш, маршировать; marcher {Frankish markōn to mark out]
● mark I знак, метка; помечать /marking, remarkable, remarkably, remark; mark II марка (денежная единица) (маркировать)
● marry [ˈmæri] жениться /remarry/intermarry, married /unmarried, marriage [ˈmærɪʤ]/ remarriage/intermarriage, marital/ extramarital
● master ['mæstər] хозяин, мастер; mastery, masterly, masterful, mister/mr/mistress/mrs
● match I быть равным; ровня, матч, соревноавние / rematch/ mismatch, matching, matchless {Middle English macche companion, mate} (матч); match II спичка {Middle English macche lamp wick}
● matter вещество, материал /antimatter, materialize, material/ immaterial, material, materially
● May I май {Latin Māius (the month) of Maia}; may II (might) (модальный глагол) {Middle English mai am able, is able}
● maze, amaze удивлять; amazing, amazingly, amazement
● meal [mi:l] еда; mealy
● mean I [mi:n] собираться, намереваться; meaning, meaningful, meaningless, means {Old English mǣnan to tell of}; mean II скупой; подлый; убогий; meanness {Latin communis common, at first with no pejorative sense} mean III средний {Middle English mene middle}
● meat [mi:t] мясо; meaty
● medical медицинский /med, medicament, medication, medicine [ˈmedɪsɪn], medicinal, medic/paramedic, remedy, remedial
● meet встречать; meeting
● memory [ˈmeməri] память; memorial/immemorial, memorialize, memorable, memorize, memoir [ˈmemˌwɑ:r, ˈmemˌwɔ:r], memorandum/ memo; commemorate, commemoration, commemorative (мемориал)
● mental [mentl] умственный; mentality [menˈtælɪti], mention [ˈmenʃən], unmentionable, undermentioned/ above-mentioned/ before-mentioned
● message [ˈmesɪʤ] сообщение; messenger
● metal [metl] металл; metallic, metallurgy
● meter I метр/metre/ kilometer/ centimeter/ millimeter / decimeter/diameter/perimeter, metric(al); diametrical/symmetric(al)/asymmetric(al), diametrically, symmetry {French mètre from Greek metron, measure}; meter II измеритель, счетчик {Greek metron measur}
● mid находящийся в середине /mid-, midst, amid(st), amidships, middle, middling, medium/ media
● mile миля; mileage
● milk молоко; milking
● million [ˈmɪljən] миллион; millionaire
● mind [maɪnd] ум; minded, mindful, mindless, mindlessness, /mastermind remind/ reminder
● minute I [ˈmɪnɪt] минута {Latin minūta small}; minute II [maɪˈnu:t, maɪˈnju:t, mɪˈnju:t] мельчайший, minutely {Latin minūtus to lessen}
● mirror [ˈmɪrər] зеркало
● miss I промахнуться, промах; скучать; missing, amiss {Old English missan to fail to hit}; miss II мисс {Short for mistress}
● mistake (mistook, mistaken) ошибка, ошибаться; unmistakable, unmistakably {take}
● moment [ˈmoʊmənt] момент; миг; momentary [ˈmoʊmənˌteri], momentarily, momentous [moʊˈmentəs], momentum
● Monday [ˈmʌndi, ˈmʌnˌdeɪ] понедельник
● money [ˈmʌni] деньги; moneyed, moneywise, monetary
● monkey обезьяна
● month [mʌnθ] месяц; monthly/ bimonthly
● moon [mu:n] луна; moony
● morn, morning утро
● mother [ˈmʌðər] мать; ma, Grandma, grandmammy, motherly, motherless, mama/ mom/ mommy/ mum
● mountain [ˈmaʊntən] гора; mountaineer, mountaineering, mountainous
● mouse [maʊs] (mice) мышь; mousy (Микки Маус)
● mouth [maʊθ] рот; mouthful
● move [mu:v] двигать, движение /remove, unmoved, movable/ immovable/ removable/ irremovable, moving, movement, movie, removal
● much многое, много; muchness / overmuch
● muse I [mjuːz] муза; museum, music [mju:'zi:əm], musician, musical, musical, musicale, musicology; bemuse/amuse, amusing, amusement; {Greek Mousa} muse II задумываться, погружаться в размышления [Medieval Latin mūsum}
● must I (модальный глагол) {Old English mōste be obliged to}; must II плесень; musty, mustiness [obsolete moisty from moist]
● nail ноготь; гвоздь
● name имя, называть; namely, nameless, unnamed rename /surname (номинал)
● native [ˈneɪtɪv] местный, коренной; nativity, nation, national/ multinational/international, nationalist(ic), nationalism, internationalism, nationality, nationalize, nature, natural/unnatural/ preternatural/supernatural, naturally/unnaturally, denature, denaturated, naturalness, naturalize, naturalization, naturalist, natal/ antenatal/ prenatal / postnatal, neonate, innate
● near [nɪər] близкий, близко; nearly, nearness
● necessary [ˈnesəˌseri, ˈnesɪsərɪ] необходимый; necessary/ unnecessary, necessarily/ unnecessarily, necessitate, necessitous, necessity [nəˈsesɪti]
● neck шея
● need нуждаться, необходимость; needs, needy, needful, needless, needlessly
● neighbor [ˈneɪbər] сосед; neighborhood, neighboring, neighborly
● nerve [nɜ:rv] нерв; nervous, nervousness, nervy, nerveless, unnerved, unnerving, neural, neuralgia [nʊˈrælʤə, njʊ-], neuralgic, neuritis, neurology, neurological, neurologist, neurosis, neurotic, neuron
● new новый; news, newsy, newly, renew, renewable, renewal, anew
● next следующий; next to
● nice милый, славный; nicely, nicety
● night [naɪt] ночь /midnight /fortnight nightly, nightly, overnight
● nine девять; nineteen, nineteenth, ninetieth, ninety, ninth
● no нет, никакой; nor, not, none, nonetheless, nonentity
● nod кивок, кивать; nodding
● noise [noiz] шум; noiseless, noisy
● noon [nu:n] полдень /afternoon
● norm норма; normal/abnormal/ subnormal, normally, normalize, normalization, normative, normalcy/normality/ abnormality, enormous [ɪˈnɔ:rməs], enormously, enormity
● north север; northerly, northern, northerner, northwards (норд)
● nose [noʊz] нос; nosey, nostril, nuzzle
● note заметка, запись, замечать; denote/ connote, denotation, noted, notable, notably, notability, notion, notional, notify, notification, notation, notarize, notary, notice, notice, noticeable, annotate, annotation, annotator
● November [noʊˈvembə] ноябрь
● now [naʊ] теперь, сейчас
● number [ˈnʌmbər] число, номер /No, outnumber/ renumber, numbered/ unnumbered, numbering, numberless; numeral [ˈnu:mərəl, ˈnju:-]
● ocean [ˈoʊʃən] океан; oceanic [ˌoʊʃi:-ˈænɪk]/ transoceanic, oceonagraphy, oceanographic
● October [ɒkˈtoʊbə] октябрь
● of [ʌv, ɒv; əv] (предлог, выражающий принадлежность)
● off [ɔ:f, ɒf] с
● office [ˈɔ:fɪs, ˈɒfɪs] работа, служба, контора; officer, official, official/ unofficial, officious, officiate, officialese, ex officio
● often [ˈɔ:fən, ˈɒfən, ˈɔ:ftən, ˈɒf-] часто
● oil масло (жидкое); oily
● OK/ O.K. /okay
● old [oʊld] старый; oldish, olden, elder, elder, elderly
● on [ɒn, ɔ:n] на; onto, onward, onward(s)
● one [wʌn] один/first, firstly/anyone/ someone/ no one, oneness, oneself, once, only [ˈoʊnli:] только
● open [ˈoʊpən] открытый, открывать(ся); reopen, unopened, opening, opener, openness
● oppose противиться; opposed/unopposed, opposite, opposite, opposition opposition {Latin poser to put} {pose, propose, suppose, propose, expose, purpose, compose, dispose} (оппозиция)
● or или
● order порядок, приводить в порядок; приказ, приказывать/disorder, reorder, orderly/ disorderly, orderliness/ disorderliness, ordinal, ordinance, ordinate/ coordinate/ inordinate/ insubordinate, ordination / insubordination, coordination, uncoordinated; ordinary /extraordinary, ordinariness, ordinarily/extraordinarily, ordinariness; {Latin ōrdō row, rank} (ордерт)
● other [ˈʌðər] другой /another, otherwise, otherness
● ought [ɔ:t] (модальный глагол), oughta
● out [aʊt] из; outing, outer, outward, outward, outwardly, outwards, out of, without, outta
● over [ˈoʊvə] через; moreover
● owe [oʊ] быть должным; owing, owing to, own [oʊn]/ disown, ownerless, ownership, disownment, owner
● pack тюк, рюкзак, паковать /unpack, packing, packer, package, packaging, packet, prepackaged, prepacked
● page I страница {Latin pāgina column of writing}; page II паж{Greek paidion boy}
● pain боль, болеть; pained, painful, painfully, painless
● paint краска, красить; repaint, painter
● pair [peər] пара
● paper [ˈpeɪpər] бумага (папирус)
● parent [ˈpeərənt] родитель; parentage, parental, parenthood
● park парк, парковатьсяс; parking, parky, parquet
● part часть; parting, partly, partial [ˈpɑ:rʃəl], partially, departed, departure, department, compartment, compartmental, departmental, apart, apartment, party, non-party, partition, partner, partnership; particle, particular, particularize, particularly, particularity, partisan, partisanship; participate [pɑ:rˈtɪsəˌpeɪt], participative, participator, participation, participant, participle [ˈpɑ:rtɪˌsɪpəl]/ counterpart, depart/ impart, impartial, impartiality,
● pass пропуск, проходить; передавать, передача, пас; passage, passing, passable, passenger, passer-by, trespasser, past, passably, passive/ impassive, impassivity, passage, trespass/bypass, overpass/ underpass/bypass, impasse, en passant,impassable, impassiblity, encompass, surpass, unsurpassed
● pause [pɔ:z] пауза, делать паузу /menapause
● pay платить, оплата/ repay/ prepay/ overpay/ underpay, unpaid/ prepaid, payable, paying payee, payment/ non-payment/ repayment/ overpayment/ underpayment/ downpayment, underpaid
● peace [pi:s] мир, покой; peaceable, peaceful, peacefully, appease, appeasement, appeaser
● pen I ручка{Middle English penne}; pen II закон для скота {Old English penn, perhaps related to pin}
● pencil [ˈpensəl] карандаш
● people [ˈpi:pəl] люди
● perfect [ˈpɜ:rfɪkt] совершенный, безупречный; perfection/ imperfect, imperfection, perfective/ imperfective {Latin facere to do} (перфекционизм)
● perhaps может быть, возможно {hap}
● person [ˈpɜ:rsən] человек, персона /persona, personable, personal/impersonal, anti-personnel, personally, personality, personify, personification, personnel, personage, depersonalize, impersonate, impersonation parson
● phone /telephone телефон; microphone/ mike, phoneme, phonetics, phonograph, telephonic, telephony, telephonist
● photograph [ˈfoʊtəˌɡrɑːf; -ˌɡræf]/ фотография; photo, photographic, photography, photon
● pick I рвать, срывать, выбирать {Old French piquer to pierce}; pick II кирка /unpick, picked, picking, picky, picker {Middle English pik variant of pike, sharp point; see pike}
● picture [ˈpɪkʧər] картина; pictorial, picturesque, pictograph; depict depiction
● pie [paɪ] пирог
● piece [pi:s] кусок, apiece
● pig свинья; piglet
● place место, класть, помещать; replace/ displace, misplaced, replaceable/irreplaceable, placement/replacement/ emplacement/ displacement
● plan план, планировать; planned, planning, planner
● plane I плоскость; самолет {Latin plānus flat}; plane II рубанок {Latin plānus flat}; plane III платан{Greek platus broad}
● plant растение; plant/ implant/ transplant/ supplant, plantation, planter
● plate тарелка; plateful, plating, platelet
● play играть, пьеса; playful, player /overplay, outplay, interplay, replay
● please [pli:z] угождать /displease, pleased/ displeased, pleasure [ˈpleʒər] / displeasure, pleasant [ˈplezənt] /unpleasant, pleasantly, pleasantry, pleasing/displeasing, pleasurable, pleasuring
● plenty изобилие, достаточно; plentiful, plenteous, plenitude
● pocket [ˈpɒkɪt] карман
● point конец, острие, точка; pointed, pointedly, pointer, pointless,
● police [pəˈliːs] полиция; policy [ˈpɒlɪsi], polity, politic/impolitic, politics, political/non-political/apolitical, politically, politician
● polite [pəˈlaɪt] вежливый/ impolite, politeness/ impoliteness, politely / impolitely (политесс)
● poor [pʊr] бедный, плохой; poorly
● port I порт {Old French porte gate}; port II носить (оружие); porter, portage, portable, portability; import/ export, importation/exportation; imported, importer, important/unimportant, exportable; transport, transporter, transportation; passport, deport, deportee, deportation, deportment [Old French porter to carry.]
● pose [poʊz] поза; posing, position; preposition, prepositional; poser, posit [ˈpɒzɪt], position, positional, positionally, poseur; transpose, transposition; posture; interpose, interposition, juxtapose, juxtaposition, oppose, opposite, unopposed, opposition, interpose, interposition
● posse, possible возможный /impossible, possibly, possibility/ impossibility [ˈpɒsəbəl]
● post I [poʊst] должность, место; outpost {Italian posto to place} post II столб; poster {Greek pastas colonnade}; post III почта; postal, postage {Vulgar Latin posta station}
● potato [pə'teɪtoʊ] картофель
● power [ˈpaʊər] сила, мощь; powerful, powered overpower/ empower
● practice [ˈpræktɪs] практика /malpractice, practise/practice, practiced/ practiced, practicing, practicable/ impracticable, practicability, practical [ˈpræktɪkəl]/ unpractical/ impractical, practically, impracitibility, practicality, practician, practitioner
● prefer [prɪˈfɜ:r] предпочитать; preferable, preference [ˈprefərəns, ˈprefrəns], preferential, preferment {Latin ferre, to carry} (преференция)
● present I [ˈprez ənt] настоящее; omnipresent, presence/ omnipresence, unpresentable, presently, presence {Latin praesēns praesent}; present II [prɪˈzent] дарить, [ˈprez ənt] подарок ; presentable, presentation, represent/ misrepresent, representation/misrepresentation, representative; {Latin presentāre to show} (презентовать)
● preside председательствовать; president, presidential, presidency {Latin sedēre to sit} (президент)
● press жать, давить /repress/express/suppress/oppress/depress/compress, impress, compress/impress, oppression/repression/depression/suppression/impression/expression/ compression,oppressive/repressive/expressive/impressive/inexpressive/expressive, oppressor, pressing/depressing, presser, pressing, depressed/ oppressed/ compressed, impressionable, impressionist, impresario, impressments, irrepressible, expressionless, expressly, inexpressible, pressure, pressurize, pressurized, expressionless, express
● pretty [ˈprɪti] хорошенький; prettily
● price цена, оценивать; underpriced, priceless, pricey, precious/ semiprecious, preciously, preciousness, preciousity; depreciate, depreciation; prize
● print печатать, след, отпечаток /imprint/ reprint, print/ reprint/ imprint/ misprint/ unprintable, printed, printing, printer/ teleprinter offprint,
● prison [ˈprɪzən] тюрьма; prisoner, imprison, imprisonment
● private [ˈpraɪvɪt] личный, частный; privately, privacy, privity, privy; deprive, deprived, deprivation (приватный)
● probe зонд; проба; probate, probity, probation, probationary, probationer, probable /improbable, probably, probability/ improbability
● problem [ˈprɒbləm] проблема; problematic(al) {Latin ballein, to throw}
● produce [v. prəˈdu:s, -ˈdju:s, proʊ-, . n. [ˈprɒdu:s, ˈproʊdu:s] изготовлять, выпускать /reproduce, productive/ reproductive/ unproductive/ nonproductive, producer, product, production/ reproduction/ overproduction/ underproduction, productivity {Latin dūcere to lead} (продьюсер)
● profess [prəˈfes, proʊ-] заявлять, признавать; professed, professor, professorial, professorship, profession, professional/ unprofessional, professionally {Latin fatērī, to acknowledge} (профессия)
● promise [ˈprɒmɪs] обещать, обещание; promising/unpromising, compromise, uncompromising {Latin mittere to send} (компромисс – взаимное обещание)
● proud [praʊd] гордый; proudly, pride
● prove [pru:v] доказывать /proof [pru:f], provable, proven, proofer
● public [ˈpʌblɪk] общественный, публика; publication, publicity, publicize, publicist, publish/ republish, publishable, publisher, publishing, republic, unpublished
● pull [pʊl] тянуть; pulley
● push [pʊʃ] толкать; pusher, pushing, pushful, pushfulness
● put [pʊt] класть; putty input/ output,
● quart [kwɔːt] кварта; quarter, quarterly, quartet
● queen [kwi:n] королева; queenly
● quest/ inquest, question [ˈkwesʧən] вопрос; unquestioned, questionable/ unquestionable, questioning/unquestioning, questionnaire
● quick [kwɪk] быстрый; quickly, quickness, quickie, quicken
● quiet [ˈkwaɪɪt] тихий /disquiet, quieten, disquieting, disquietude, quietly, quietude
● quite [kwaɪt] совсем, вполне
● rabbit ['ræbɪt] кролик
● race I мчаться, гонка; racy, racing, racer {Old English rǣs attack} race II раса; racialist, racist, racism {razza of uncertain origin}
● radio [ˈreɪdiˌoʊ] радио; radar, radiate/irradiate, radiant, irradiation, radiation, radiator, radiance, radiogram, radiograph, radiologist
● rail поручень; рельс; railing, derail, derailment
● rain дождь; "дождить"; rainy
● raise [reɪz] поднимать; raised, raising
● rat крыса
● rare I редкий; rarity, rarely, rareness, rarefy, rarefied; [Latin rārus sparse]; rare II недожаренный; raring [Old English hreaw raw] [reər]
● rather [ˈræð ər, ˈrɑ ðər] скорее, точнее
● reach [ri:ʧ] доставать, достигать /overreach, reaching
● read [ri:d] (read [red]) читать / reread/ misread, reader, reading, readership, readable/ unreadable
● ready готовый; readily, readiness,
● real [ˈriəl, ril] настоящий/unreal/surreal, really, realist, realistic/ unrealistic/ surrealistic, realism/surrealism, reality, realize, unrealized, realization
● reason [ˈri:zən] причина; reasonable/ unreasonable, reasonably, reasoning
● receive [rɪˈsi:v] получать, принимать; receiving, receivable, receiver reception (rɪˈsɛpʃən), receptionist, receptive/unreceptive, receptivity, receptacle {Latin capere, to take; receive} (ресивер)
● record [rɪˈkɔrd] записывать; [ˈrek ərd] запись; recording, recorder {Latin cord heart} (рекорд)
● red красный; infrared, redden, reddish
● remember [rɪˈmembər] помнить, вспоминать; remembrance {Latin memor mindful; memory}
● repeat [rɪˈpi:t, ˈri:pˌi:t] повторять; repeated, repeatable/ unrepeatable, repeatedly, repetitious [ˌrepɪˈtɪʃəs] / repetitiously, repetition [ˌrepɪˈtɪʃən], repetitive, repetitively {Latin petere to seek}
● reply [rɪˈplaɪ] отвечать, ответ {Latin plicāre, to fold}
● rest I отдыхать, отдых; unrest, restless, restlessness, restful, restaurant; {Gothic rasta a mile}; rest II остатки, остальное {Old French rester to remain}
● result [rɪˈzʌlt] результат, кончаться чем-либо, приводить к
● return возвращать, возвращение; returnable, turning {turn}
● rice рис
● rich богатый; richly, riches, enrich, enrichment
● ride ездить, поездка /override/rode/ridden, rider, riding, overriding; road [roʊd], inroad(s)
● right [raɪt] правильный, правда, право; правый, правая сторона; outright / upright/ forthright, uprightness, rightness, righteous [ˈraɪʧəs], righteousness, rightful, rightfully, rightly
● ring I кольцо; ringlet {Old English hring} (ринг); ring II (rang, rung) звенеть, звон {Old Norse hringja}
● rise [raɪz] (rose, risen) подниматься, подъем /arise, riser, rising/uprising, rising, arouse, arousal
● river [ˈrɪvər] река
● rock I качать(ся) {Middle English rücken to move, push} (рок-н-ролл); rock II скала, камень; rocky, rockery {Old English stānrocc stone-rock}
● roll [roʊl] катать(ся) /unroll, rolled, rolling, roller, enroll/enrollment (рок-н-ролл)
● roof [ru:f, rʊf] крыша; roofing
● room [ru:m, rʊm] место, пространство; комната /anteroom, roomed, roominess, roomy, roomer
● rose I [roʊz] роза; rosy, rosemary, roseate; rose II (Past tense of rise )
● round [raʊnd] круглый, круг /around, rounded, roundly
● rude [ru:d] грубый; rudeness
● rule [ru:l] правило, править, руководить; overrule/ misrule, ruler, ruling, unruly
● run (ran, run) бегать, бег; outrun/ overrun, runner/forrunner, running, runny
● sad печальный, грустный; sadly, sadden, sadness
● sail парус, плавать на корабле; sailing, sailor
● salt [sɔ:lt] соль; saltiness, unsalted, desalinize; desalination
● same то же самое; такой же; sameness
● sand песок; sandy
● Saturday [ˈsætər-di, -ˌdeɪ] суббота
● save спасать, сберегать; saving, saving, saver, savior; safe /unsafe, safely/unsafely, safety, safeness (сейф)
● say говорить; saying, unsaid
● school I [sku:l] школа; scholar, scholarly /unscholarly, scholarship, schooling {Greek skholē leisure spent in the pursuit of knowledge} school II [Old English scolu troop]
● scream [skri:m] крик, кричать
● sea [si:] море; overseas
● search [sɜ:rʧ] искать, поиски /research, searching, searcher/ researcher
● second I [ˈsekənd] секунда/sec {Medieval Latin secunda second (small part)}; second поддерживать II {French en second in second rank (or position)} second III см. two.
● secret [ˈsi:krɪt] секретный, секрет; secretive, secretively, secretiveness, secrecy, secretary/ undersecretary, secretarial, secretariat
● see (saw/seen) видеть; unseen, unforeseen, foreseeable, seer/ overseer, seeing (that), sight sighted, sightless; / insight/foresight / oversight, oversee/ foresee / see II
● seem казаться; seeming, seemingly
● seldom [ˈseldəm] редко
● self сам; selfish / unselfish, unselfishly, selfless
● sell (sold) продавать; unsold, resell/outsell, seller, sale /resale, sal(e)able/ unsaleable
● send (sent) посылать; sender
● sense [sens] ощущение, чувство, чувствовать /nonsense [ˈnɒnˌsens, -sns], supersensitive, nonsensical, senseless, sensible [ˈsensəbəl]/ insensible, sensibleness, sensibly, sensibility / insensibility, sensitive/ insensitive, sensitivity/ insensivity, sensory/ extrasensory [ˌekstrəˈsensəri:], sensual, sensate/insensate, insensateness, sensately, sensation, sensational, hypersensitive (сенсорный)
● September [sepˈtembər] сентябрь
● serious [ˈsɪəri:əs] серьезный; seriously, seriousness
● serve [sɜ:rv] служить; service I, serviceable, servant, serving, undeserved, servile, servility, servitude; serf; service II (сервер)
● set ставить, устанавливать, комплект, набор; settee, setter, setting, beset / reset/ offset/ inset, onset / offset/ outset (сет в теннисе)
● seven [ˈsevən] семь; seventeen [ˌsevnˈtin], seventeenth, seventh, seventieth, seventy, sevenfold
● several [ˈsevərəl, ˈsevrəl] несколько; severally
● sex пол; sexual/homosexual / asexual/ bisexual, sexually, sexy, sexuality/ homosexuality, sexless
● shade, shading, shadow тень; shadowy, foreshadow /overshadow, shady, shadiness
● shake (shook/ shaken) трясти; unshaken, unshakeable, shakily, shaky
● shall (should) (модальный глагол)
● shame стыд, стыдить; shameful, shamefully, shameless, shamelessness, shaming, ashamed/ unashamed
● shape форма, придавать форму; misshapen, shapeless, shapely, shapeliness, shaper
● sharp острый, точно; sharpen, sharpener, sharply
● shave брить, бритье; shaven/ unshaven, shaving, shaver
● she она; her, hers, herself
● sheet простыня; sheeting
● shelf полка /bookshelf, shelve, shelving (шельф)
● shift двигать, изменение; shifty, shiftless
● shine светить; shiny outshine
● ship судно; shipping, shipment, transship, transshipment
● shirt рубашка; shirty
● shoe [ʃu:] туфля /overshoe
● shoot [ʃu:t] стрелять; shooting, reshoot /overshoot shot upshot
● shop магазин; shopper, shopping (шопинг)
● short короткий; shortage, shorten, shortly, shorts, foreshorten
● shoulder [ˈʃoʊldər] плечо
● shout [ʃaʊt] кричать, крик
● show [ʃoʊ] показ, демонстрация; showing, showy
● shut закрывать; shutter
● shy I [ʃaɪ] робкий, застенчивый; shyness {Old High German sciuhen to frighten away} shy II бросать, швырять; shyster {Middle Dutch schüchteren to chase away}
● sick больной; sickly, sicken, sickening, sickness
● side бок, сторона /inside/ outside, siding, aside, outsider, subside, subsidence, beside / besides, underside
● sign [saɪn] знак, подписывать; signal, signature, signet, signature, countersignature, significance, significant, unsigned, designate, designation, designer, designing, signify, signifiable, signifier, signification, significance, significant, significantly, signatory, signal, insignia insignificant, insignificancy, undersigned, assign, reassign, assignation, assignment, assign, assignee, consign, consignment, countersign, countersign (дизайн)
● silent [ˈsaɪlənt] мочаливый; silence, silencer
● silly глупый; silliness
● silver серебро; silvery
● simple [ˈsɪmpəl] простой; simpleton, simplify/ oversimplify, simplified, simplification /oversimplification, simplicity
● since [sɪns] с, после, с тех пор
● sing (sang/sung) петь; singer, singing, singsong, song
● single один, одинокий; singles, singly, singleness, singular, singularly, singularity, singularize
● sir [sɜ:r] сэр
● sister сестра
● sit сажать, сидеть /re-sit, sitting, sitting, sitter; seat [si:t], seating
● site место; on-site, situate,situated, situated,situation, launch(ing)-site (сайт)
● six шесть; sixth, sixtieth, sixty, sixteen, sixteenth
● size размер, величина / sizeable, downsize, oversized/undersized, outsize oversize
● skin кожа; foreskin, skinny
● skirt юбка; miniskirt, skirting outskirts
● sky небо; skywards
● sleep спать, сон; sleeper, sleeping, sleepless, sleepy, sleepiness oversleep, asleep
● sleeve рукав; sleeveless
● slow [sloʊ] медленный, замедлять; slowly, slowness
● small [smɔ:l] маленький
● smell чувствовать запах, обоняние; пахнуть, запах; smelly
● smile улыбка, улыбаться
● smoke дым, курить; smoked, smokeless, smoker/ non-smoker, smoking, smoky
● snake змея
● snow снег; "снежить"; snowy
● so так; so-so, also
● soap [soʊp] мыло; soapy
● social [ˈsoʊʃəl] общественный / antisocial, socialism, socially, sociable/ unsociable, sociably, sociability, society, sociology [ˌsoʊ siˈɒl ə dʒi, ˌsoʊ ʃi-], sociologic, sociological, sociologically, sociologist, socialize, socialization, dissociate/ dissociation, associate/ association, associative, sociability
● soft мягкий; softly, soften, softener (софт – программное обеспечение)
● soldier [ˈsoʊldʒər] солдат; soldierly
● some [sʌm] некоторые
● son [sʌn] сын
● soon скоро; sooner
● sore [sɔ:r, soʊr] больной (о каком-либо месте), больное место; sorely, soreness, sorry, sorrow, sorrowful
● sort сорт, род; assorted
● soul [soʊl] душа
● sound I [saʊnd] звук; resound, sounding/resounding; [from Latin sonus a sound]; sound II здоровый, крепкий/ unsound, soundly {Old English sund; related to Old Saxon gisund} sound III зонд, щуп [Old French sonde sounding line]; sound IV пролив, канал; sounding, soundness [Middle English, from Old English sund, swimming sea.]
● south [saʊθ] юг; southerly, southern, southerner, southwards
● space пространство; spacing, spacious, spaciousness, spacey
● speak [spi:k] говорить /spoke / spoken/ outspoken/ bespoken/ unspoken, unspeakable, bespeak, bespoke, speaker, speaking speech [spi:ʧ] речь; speechless, speechify, speechwriter
● species [ˈspi ʃiz, 'spisiz] /subspecies, specific [spɪˈsɪfɪk], specifically, specificity, specify, specified/ unspecified, specification/spec, specimen, special /especial, specially/ especially, specialness, specialist, speciality, specialize, specialization, specially
● speed скорость; speedy (спидометр)
● spend (spent) тратить; misspend, overspend, spending
● spoon [spu:n] ложка; spoonful
● sport спорт; sporty, sportive, sporting/unsporting, sports
● spring прыгать, прыжок; родник; весна; offspring, thermal springs, springy, springs
● square [skweər] квадрат; squared, squaring, squarish (сквер)
● stage сцена; стадия, этап; landing stage, multistage, onstage, stager, staging, offstage/ upstage/ backstage
● stair [steər] ступень(ка); downstairs/ upstairs
● stamp марка, штамп; unstamped (штамп)
● stand ставить, стоять; standee, bystander, outstanding, notwithstanding (стенд)
● star звезда; starry, stardom
● stare [steər] пристально смотреть, пристальный взгляд; staring
● start начинать, начало; starter, upstart
● state I заявлять; состояние, положение; reinstate, reinstatement, interstate, estate {Old French stāre to stand}; state II государство, штат/ understate / overstate, overstatement/ understatement, misstate, stated, stateless, stately, statement/misstatement, state-aided {Old French stāre to stand}
● stay оставаться, пребывание, визит; station, stationery /overstay/outstay
● stead [sted], steady устойчивый; steadily/unsteadily, unsteady, steadiness, instead вместо
● steal [sti:l] красть; stealth, stealthy
● steam [sti:m] пар; steamy, steamer
● steel сталь
● step шаг, шагать /misstep/ overstep/ instep (степ – танец)
● stick (stuck) палка; втыкать; unstuck, stickler, sticky, stickiness, sticker
● still I тишина, неподвижный; еще; все же, тем не менее {Sanskrit sthānús immobile}; still II дистиллятор, перегонный куб {From Middle English stillen to distill}
● stone камень; stony
● stop остановка, останавливать; unstop, non-stop, stopping
● store [stɔ:r, stoʊr] хранить, запас; магазин; restore, restoration, storage, storey
● story [ˈstɔ:ri:, ˈstoʊri:] история, рассказ; multistoried, storied
● straight прямой/прямо; straighten [streɪt]
● strange [streɪnʤ] чужой; stranger, estrange, estrangement
● stream [stri:m] течь, поток; речка; upstream /downstream
● street улица (стрит в покере)
● strike [struck, stricken] бить, ударять, удар; striker, striking, strikingly, stroke, stroke I, stroke II
● string бечевка, струна; stringy, stringed, strung/ overstrung (стринги)
● strong сильный; strongly, strength, strengthen
● study [ˈstʌdi] изучать, учиться, кабинет; studied, student, studious, understudy (студия)
● stuff вещество, материал, набивать, запихивать; stuffed/ overstuffed, stuffing, stuffy, stuffiness
● style [staɪl] стиль; stylish, stylishly, stylized, stylist, stylistic, stylistics
● such такой, подобный
● sudden [sʌdn] внезапный; suddenly, suddenness
● sugar [ˈʃʊgər] сахар; sugary
● suggest [səg-ˈʤest, səˈʤest] предлагать; suggestion/autosuggestion, suggestive, suggestible {gerere, to carry}
● summer лето; summery
● sun солнце; sunny
● Sunday [ˈsʌndi, ˈsʌnˌdeɪ] воскресенье
● sup, supper ужин
● suppose полагать, предполагать /presuppose, presupposition, suppose, supposed, supposedly, supposition, suppository {poser to put; pose, oppose, expose, propose, propose, purpose, compose, dispose}
● sure [ʃʊr, ʃɜ:r] верный, уверенный /unsure surely, surety, insure/ ensure, assure [əˈʃʊr] /reassure, assured, assuredly, uninsured, reinsure, reassurance, assurance, reassuring, insurance, insurer, insurance, insurer
● surprise [sərˈpraɪz] удивлять, удивление, сюрприз; surprising, surprisingly {prēndere, to seize}
● swear [sweər] (swore / sworn) клясться /forswear
● sweet сладкий; unsweetened, sweetie, sweeten
● swift быстрый, стриж; swifntess
● swim (swam, swum) плавать; swimmer, swimming
● table [ˈteɪbəl] стол; таблица; tabular, tabulate
● tail хвост; entail; retail, retailer
● take (took/taken) брать; betake overtake/ retake/ partake / undertake, intake/ uptake, undertaking/ overtaking, undertaker
● talk [tɔ:k] говорить, разговор; talking, talkative, talker, talkie
● tall [tɔ:l] высокий
● taste [teɪst] вкус, чувстовать, пробовать; distaste, tasteful/distasteful, tasting, tasty, tastefully, tasteless, taster, aftertaste/ foretaste
● tax налог /surtax overtax, untaxed, taxable, taxation, taxi (такси)
● tea [ti:] чай
● teach [ti:ʧ] (taught) учить; teacher, teaching, unteachable
● team [ti:m] команда; teamster
● tear I [teər] (tore, torn) рвать; {Middle English teren} tear II [tɪər] слеза; teary, tearful, tearfully {Old English tēar}
● technique, technical [ˈteknɪkəl] технический; technically, technicality, technician/tech, technological, technology/tech, pyrotechnics, polytechnic
● tell (told) говорить; foretell, untold/twice-told, telly, teller, telling
● ten десять; tenth
● terror [ˈterər] ужас; террор; terrorism, terrorist, terrorize, terrify [ˈterəˌfaɪ], terrifying, terrible, terribly, terrific, terrified
● than чем
● thank [θæŋk] благодарить; thanks благодарность; thankful, thankfully, thankless
● that [ðæt, ðət] тот, та, то, те (those [ðoʊz])
● the [ði:, ðə]
● theater [ˈθi:ətər] театр/amphitheater, theartrics, theatrical [θi:ˈætrɪkəl]
● then тогда
● theory теория; theorem, [ˈθi:ərəm, ˈthɪərəm] theoretic(al) [ˌθi:əˈretɪkəl], theoretically, theorist, theoretician
● there [ðeər] там; thereabouts, therefore
● they они; their, theirs, them, themselves
● thick толстый; thicken, thickly, thickness
● thin тонкий; thinly
● thing вещь /nothing / anything /everything /something
● think [θɪŋk] (thought) думать; rethink, thinkable/ unthinkable, thinker, thinking / unthinking, unthinkingly, thought / forethought, thoughtful, thoughtfulness, thoughtless, after-thought
● this этот, эта, это; this [ðɪs] (these [ði:s])
● though [ðoʊ] хотя и /although [ɔ:lˈðoʊ]
● thousand [ˈθaʊzənd] тысяча; thousandth, thousandfold
● three три; third, thirdly, thirteen, thirteenth, thirtieth, thirty thrice, threesome
● throat [θroʊt] горло; throaty
● through [θruː] сквозь; throughout
● throw [θroʊ] (threw, thrown) бросать /overthrow, thrower
● Thursday [ˈθɜ:rzdi, ˈθɜ:rˌdeɪ] четверг
● ticket [ˈtɪkɪt] билет; etiquette [ˈetɪˌket, ˈetɪkɪt]
● tie [taɪ] связывать, веревка, шнур, галстук; untie/ retie
● tiger [ˈtaɪgər] тигр/ tigress
● till I /until до { Old English till fixed point}, till II касса {Middle English tillen}; till III пахать, возделывать {Anglo-French, of uncertain origin}
● time время; раз; timely/untimely, timing, timeless, sometime, sometimes mistime, betimes, overtime (таймер)
● tire [taɪr] утомлять(ся); tireless, tiring, tiresome, untiring
● to [tu:, tə] к/ toward(s)
● today сегодня
● toe [toʊ] палец ноги
● together [təˈgeðər]/ altogether [ˌɔ:ltəˈgeðər] вместе
● tomorrow [təˈmɔ:roʊ, təˈmɒroʊ] завтра
● tongue [tʌŋ] язык
● too слишком; также
● tool [tu:l] инструмент
● tooth [tu:θ] (teeth [ti:ð]) зуб; toothy, toothsome, teethe
● top I верх, верхняя часть; atop, topsy, topple (топовый) {Old Norse toppr tuft}; top II волчок {Old English, of unknown origin}
● touch [tʌʧ] трогать, прикосновение; touched/untouched, touchable/untouchable, touching, touchy, touchiness
● tough [tʌf] жеский, прочный; toughen, toughness
● towel [ˈtaʊəl] полотенце
● tower [ˈtaʊər] башня; towering (лондонский Тауэр)
● town [taʊn] город; downtown
● toy игрушка
● train тренировать; поезд /troop train, retrain, trained/ untrained, trainer, trainee, training/ retraining
● travel [ˈtrævəl] путешествовать, путешествие; traveler, traveling
● tree дерево; treeless
● trick обманывать, надувать, проделка; trickery, tricky, trickster
● trip поездка
● trouble [ˈtrʌbəl] беда, забота, беспокоить; troubled/untroubled, troublesome
● trousers ['traʊzəz] брюки, штаны
● true [tru:] правдивый, верный /untrue, truthful/untruthful, Truthfully/untruthfully, truthfulness, truly, truth/ half-truth
● trust доверять, доверие; mistrust, mistrust, mistrustful, trusted, trusty, trustee, trustful, trusting, distrust, distrust, distrustful, entrust (трест)
● try [traɪ] пробовать, пытаться, попытка; tried/untried retry,
● Tuesday [ˈtu:zdi, ˈtu:zˌdeɪ, ˈtju:zˌdeɪ] вторник
● turn поворачивать(ся), повтор; upturned, upturn, overturn, turning, turntable/ returnable, return,
● two [tu:] два; twelve, twelfth, twenty, twice, twin; second, secondly, secondary
● type тип; шрифт, печатать на машинке; retype, typing, typical, typify, teletype
● umbra/penumbra, umbrella [ʌmˈbrelə] зонтик
● uncle [ˈʌŋkəl] дядя
● under под; undies
● understand понимать /misunderstand, understandable, understanding/ misunderstanding {stand}
● unit [ˈju:nɪt] единица, часть/subunit, unite/reunite, united, unity/disunity, union/ reunion, unison [ˈju:nɪsən, -zən], unification/reunification, unanimous, unanimity, unify; unique
● up вверх, наверху /upon, upper, uppermost, upward, upwards, uppish, uppity, upside
● use [ju:z] употреблять, использовать; употребление, польза / disuse/reuse/ misuse, unusable, usual/unusual, usually/unusually, used [ju:sd, ju:st]/ unused/ disused; useful, usefulness, useless, user, peruse, perusal
● very [ˈveri] очень; самый; veriest
● video [ˈvɪdi:ˌoʊ] видео
● view [vju:] вид /interview/preview / review, interview/overview, reviewer, prevision, interviewee, viewer, revise, revision, televise, television, televiewer, supervise, vision/supervision, supervisor, visage / envisage, envision, visionary, visual, visualize, visualization, visible, visibly/invisible, visibility, visor, visa
● village [ˈvɪlɪdʒ] деревня; villager, villa [ˈvɪlə] (вилла)
● violate [ˈvaɪəˌleɪt] нарушать /inviolate, violation [ˌvaɪəˌleɪʃən], violent [ˈvaɪələnt], violently, violence, inviolable, inviolability
● visit навещать, посещение, визит; revisit, visiting, visitation, visitor, visitant
● voice голос; voiced/unvoiced, voiceless, vociferous
● vote голосовать, голос; nonvoting, voting, voter, votary
● wait ждать, ожидание; waiting, waiter/ waitress, await
● wake будить/ woke/woken/awake, waking, waken/awaken, wakeful, wakefulness, awake, awakening; {Old English wacan to wake up} wake II {Old Norse vök hole in the ice}
● walk [wɔ:k] ходить, прогулка; walking, walker
● wall [wɔ:l] стена; walled
● want [wɒnt, wɔ:nt] хотеть; wanted/ unwanted, wanna
● war война; postwar/ prewar, warrior
● warm теплый, греть /lukewarm; warmth
● warn предупреждать /forewarn, warning
● wash [wɒʃ, wɔ:ʃ] мыть(ся), стирка, белье; washing, washable, washer, awash, unwashed
● waste [weɪst] тратить, напрасная трата чего-либо; wasted, wasteful, wastrel
● watch [wɒʧ] смотреть, наблюдать; наручныечасы; watchful
● water [ˈwɔ:tər, ˈwɒtər] вода, поливать; watery,watering, underwater
● wave волна, махать; wavy, waver, unwavering
● way дорога, путь /midway, wayward, away от, в сторону; always всегда, anyway, noway(s) (Бродвей)
● we мы; our [aʊr], ours, ourselves, us [ʌs]
● weak [wi:k] слабый; weaken, weakness, weakly, weakling
● wear [weər] (wore/worn) одежда, носить /outworn/unworn), underwear, wearable
● weather [ˈweðər] погода
● wed выходить замуж, жениться; wedding
● Wednesday [ˈwenzdi, -ˌdeɪ] среда
● week неделя; midweek, weekly
● weigh [weɪ] весить, взвешивать /outweigh, weight [weɪt]/ counterweight, overweight, weighty, weightless
● well I здоровый, хорошо; unwell {Old Saxon wel}; well II колодец {Old High German wallan}
● west запад; westerly, western, western, westward(s), midwest (вестерн)
● wet мокрый; wetting
● what [wɒt, wʌt; wət] что; whatever, whatsoever, somewhat
● wheel колесо, возить; wheeled
● when когда; whenever, whence
● where [weər] где; elsewhere, everywhere, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, whereabouts, whereas, whereat, whereby, wherefore, wherefore, wherein, whereof, whereon, whereupon, wherever, wherewith, wherewithal
● whether [ˈweðər] ли
● which который; whichever, whichsoever
● while время, в то время как /whilst, awhile
● whisper [ˈwɪspər] шепот, шептать; whisper, whispering
● whistle [ˈwɪsəl] свист, свистеть
● white [waɪt] белый; whitish, whiting, off-white
● who [hu:] кто /whom, whoever, whose
● whole [hoʊl] целый, целое; wholly, wholesome /unwholesome
● why [ waɪ] почему
● wide широкий; widely, widen, width
● wife жена/ midwife, wives
● wild [waɪld] дикий; wilderness, bewilder, bewilderment
● will (would) [wʊd, wəd]) (модальный глагол), воля, желание; willing, willingly, willful, willfulness, unwilling
● win (won) побеждать; winning, winnings, winsome, winner
● wind I [wɪnd] ветер; windward, windy, window; wind II [waɪnd] мотать, заводить /unwind/ overwind/ rewind, winding
● wine вино; winery
● wing крыло; winged
● winter зима; winterize, wintry
● wish желать, желание; wishful
● with с
● wolf [wʊlf] (wolves [wʊlvz]) волк; wolfish
● woman [ˈwʊmən] (women [ˈwɪmɪn]) женщина; womanly, womanizer {man}
● wonder ['wʌndər] чудо, удивляться; wonderful, wonderment
● wood [wʊd] дерево; wooded, wooden, woody
● word [wɜːd] слово /foreword, reword, wordy
● work [wɜ:rk] работа, работать; rework/ overwork, working/ nonworking, worker, workable
● world [wɜ:rld] мир; worldly
● worry [ˈwɜ:ri, ˈwʌri] беспокоить, забота; worrying, worried, worrier, worrisome
● wow [waʊ] ух ты
● write [raɪt] писать /rewrite/ wrote/ written, unwritten, writing, writer, writ
● wrong [rɔ:ng, rɒng] зло; wrongly, wrongful
● yard I ярд {Middle English yerde stick, unit of measure}; yard II двор {Old Saxon gard yard}
● year [jɪə] год; yearly, yearling
● yellow [ˈjeloʊ] желтый; yellowish
● yes да /yeah/ yep/ Yah
● yesterday вчера
● yet еще, пока; уже
● you [ju:] вы /your/ yours/ yourself/ yourself/ yourselves
● young [jʌŋ] молодой; young, youngster, youngsters, youth, youthfulness
● zero ['zɪ(ə)roʊ, 'zi:roʊ] ноль /sub-zero